Sunday, October 25, 2009
Oct. 25th The Spin that Robs our Sight!
Size: 20" X 24" Giclee' on Canvas Hand Embellished by Artist; Certified & Limited From "The New Impressionistic Collection". - Click HERE - Find the ENLARGED paintings with details, pricing, shipping and more as well as my comments on the paintings.
"What is it that we so desire? What is it that we have passion for? Where do we derive our pleasure and what is it that keeps us grounded. Television, the media, the spin, the greed, the get rich quick scheme of the day and the constant bombardment of half truths, misinformation, downright lies, it all sounds like a political campaign. The scheduled, the expectations, the disappointments, the failures, the what could have been, the might have been, the ifs, the woulda , shoulda and coulda. What’s a person to do?
Where’s a person to go? A weekend trip, a vacation, some alone time, they are all so necessary. Paintings offer a unique place in our hearts, often passing from eyes to hearts and then to our brains. Our own personal firewalls of security and spirit of criticism don’t have time to push away or infect our thinking and heartfelt emotions when a painting penetrates our soul. It stops us, makes us engage and gives us an encounter like no other.
Unfortunately there are too, too many who pass by so fast in the rush and spin of life that they never see.
Painters everywhere are pouring themselves into the letting out of creativity, expression, talent and technique in the final form of paint on canvas. They need your help. Engage with them, befriend them, honor them and open your eyes to your heart. Hear the messages in your brain. Tantalize your spirit in the color and expression of the work of their hands. You won’t be disappointed."
"Exhausted from work and the superficial business of each day.
Thankful to have a job, so many truly struggling in every way.
Can’t afford some distant place I coveted to travel to see,
So many places of rest and new adventures surely await me.
But there it is the old friend that stares new each and every day.
My beautiful painting giving wonderful feelings in so many ways.”
“As you spin the toil, take time to stop and instead of smelling the roses engage a painting that renews and refreshes you, just like a weekend away. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMIX Auld, Ltd
p.s. " Here are some artists who create paintings that compel you.”
Suzanne Berry, Carol Marine, Don Gray, Mark Adams
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Oct. 18th “Change Seats!”
" BrightIrisDaze"
Size: 16" X 24" Giclee' on Canvas Hand Embellished by Artist; Certified & Limited From "The Modern Art Collection" - Click HERE - Find the ENLARGED paintings with details, pricing, shipping and more as well as my comments on the paintings
" “It’s not fair! I was confronted by that statement several times this week and tried to look behind the statement and see what was motivating it. If we look closely enough when these kinds of outbursts happen we can understand a lot about what’s going on either with the person or their circumstances. We after all are making judgments from the seat we’re sitting in, and too often from our own myopic self serving point of view.
Statements and outbursts during that time seem to arrest us and should stop us in our tracks. Quite frankly, we’ve all got stuff. It’s one of the major problems in our world. We’ve got stuff to do and stuff to go and stuff to get and stuff to be and stuff for someone else’s stuff.
Just maybe it’s time to change seats and stop and look and listen and ponder and evaluate. See how far we’ve progressed away from core values, foundational beliefs, the vows we took and a whole bunch more. Maybe it’s time to sit and look into the heart-stopping beauty of an amazing painting that hits us between the eyes and brings us to our knees. It just may change our perspective Believe me, it is time!”"
" “I’m so exhausted with all I have to do and what I’m to get done.
I used to think I had some idea what it was to have some fun.
Now I’ve got work and family and friends and schedules and more.
I just want to go to my room and somehow bolt the door!
Wait! What’s that that is compelling my heart deep within my being?
A painting, beautiful, awesome, fantastic, it’s beyond what I am seeing!"
“Focus a little less on self and try focusing on that’s going to grab you and add to your being daily! Have a great week.”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMIX Auld, Ltd
p.s. " Here are some artists who create paintings that compel you.”
Faye Christian Phillips, Bobbi Heath, Daniel Corey, Frank Gardner, Mary Sheehan Winn
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Oct 11th The Mind’s Eye, The Chase, & The Reality
" LandscapeOverlook"
Size: 20" X 28" Giclee' on Canvas Hand Embellished by Artist; Certified & Limited From "The Modern Art Collection" - Click HERE - Find the ENLARGED paintings with details, pricing, shipping and more as well as my comments on the paintings
" What do you actually see? Is your view clouded by your prejudice or opinion, circumstances, emotions or some other prevailing things taking up space within your being? Often times we get caught up in the connection and the chase and forget the reality.
Most often it’s all about us. We want it all. Unfortunately the “all” we have in our minds’ eye and the chase of it flounders in its reality. The days of absolutes, black and whites have given way to all whites let alone gray.
Somewhere in this race and exhaustive pursuit of money, has to be an accounting of reality. What can take us there and what helps keep us there? Beautiful paintings that speak volumes to the emotions of the soul can make us stop and ponder the reality of truth, life, toil, and meaning. They can ring the doorbell of our senses and leave us messages and reminders of who we are and what is important. "
" Our mind plays tricks and our heart takes us to new dimensions,
Sadly what we have today is the overwhelming stress of tensions.
We think we know and we set our course of hard actions clear.
Only to find what we thought to be is so far away from what is near.
Let your eyes find a great work of art that truly carries you away.
Connect to a stunning painting bringing truth & reality to you, today!"
"Hope you have just a great week. Spend some times really looking at things differently. You be surprised what you really see!"
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMIX Auld, Ltd
p.s. "Here are some artists who create beautiful paintings!"
Fongwei Liu, Jeff Mahorney, Kathy Weber , Carolyn Finnell , Michael Naples
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Oct. 4th Oversaturation & Real
Size: 22" X 36" Giclee' on
Canvas Hand Embellished by Artist; Certified & Limited From "The Chuck Robinson Collection" - Click HERE - Find the ENLARGED paintings with details, pricing, shipping and more as well as my comments on the paintings
" We live in a time of information explosion, moving to a one world order, and eventually a world ruler. It's all coming soon. In the midst of all that we live in an over-saturated world of images, bombarding our lives every minute of the day. Just a few decades ago, paintings conveyed news, travel, philosophy, religion, prominence, record keeping and more. Now they are often regulated to what pillow color they match. Home decorating and home decor far outweighs all others as one lives in a society of "what others think", "celebrity worship" and "making choices by committee".
Real paintings, created and labored over by real artists with real messages, and real truth, are orchestrated by a struggle of talent and love to produce works that nothing in the image field can match. The days of the renaissance or impressionists or other periods may be over but the fervor, enthusiasm and the effort made today with the tools and knowledge available is unmatched.
All we need is more individuals with a change in point of view, a slowing down, and a real engaging of the works that are before us. "
"Hassle, hustle, run here, drive there, don't forget, do this or that,
Check your blackberry, tweets and more; need nine lives of a cat.
This went wrong, the system crashed, what did I forget to do.
Deadlines to meet, a never ending list; coming to dinner is who?
Stop and look; find what matters, take time that's just for you.
Engage a beautiful painting and see just how much you renew."
"Have a great week and take some real time and engage some real paintings. It's worth the experience!"
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMIX Auld, Ltd.
p.s. Here are some other real painters who orchestrate real paintings:
Yvonne Ayoub, Sarah Lynch, Faye Christian Phillips, BillGuffey, Dean Haven