“The Christmas Gift For You” BLOG BURST:
"Story upon story, carol upon carol, gift upon gift, shopping upon shopping and so it goes. We love to look forward to so many things going on and the traditions that the season brings: Happy times, happy memories, all with a euphoric state of mind.
We don’t really look deeply into the depth of the day, the time, or the season. This past week I had a brief conversation with the wife of a friend, a brilliant man, who has seen and is still experiencing many days of pressure and anxiety that only Job seemed to have faced. When I asked her what she was getting him for Christmas, she said that a few years ago they talked about changing and instead of exchanging gifts and adding more stuff to their life’s collection they would adopt a Salvation Army Family for Christmas. This provided food and presents to make a truly needy family’s Christmas memorable. I was so taken back by what she was saying because I know just how little they actually have and how much of a struggle this wonderful couple has gone through. She’s stuck by her husband through thick and thin. She didn’t just throw him away for her own self interest. What a testimony, what treasures in Heaven!
I wanted to display pictorially the real Christmas so I worked the above painting together to visually demonstrate the true meaning and wonder of Christmas. God in His awesome wisdom and grace provides Himself for the sins of Adam and Eve and the rest of the human race. He is born lowest of the low to include and give opportunity to every human being. He lives. He ministers fulfilling all Scripture and He goes to the cruelest of deaths and pays completely for the sins of each and every human being. He is raised from the dead, defeating death and seen by hundreds. Just like when Moses lifted the snake when the Israelites were bitten and they would be saved if they would but look and believe. God offered and still offers new life, life eternal, and reconciliation with Him. He adopts into His family all those who come to the Savior, confess with their mouth and believe in their heart (Romans 10:10) that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. He is the One who sets men free, breaking the chain of death, Satan and the world to usher men into a new relationship with God Eternal. What joy, what wonder, what amazement and most of all what truth as it witnesses in each believing heart.
Where do you stand? Do you see yourself at the cross? Do you know Christ as Lord and Savior? Do you need to reconcile? I truly hope you will celebrate Christmas in a whole new light.”
“How is it possible to know, to see, to walk with the Creator
He provides every means; He shows each and every indictor
He took it all, He paid the price, He made the ultimate sacrifice
He came as a babe to give himself that we may have new life
What a difference, what a change to follow and do your will
What joy, what a blessing, Praise God, Oh my heart be still!”
“Paintings can lead one to a life changing experience. Merry Christmas and have a wonderful week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“SubtitlesOfSnow” BLOG BURST:
"For the “Northeast” that season of the year is upon us. It’s not all about snow, but it’s about the time. With any good painting time is an important element. Sometimes, time is short and it cracks. Some time it’s too long in finishing or finished before it’s truly started. Sometimes the painting shows a time and a place that take us to somewhere special. Sometimes it takes us to a place we’d rather forget. A painting can initiate an emotion or memory or a reaction that can cause us to think. Something we often don’t have time to do. At this season of the year we don’t often think a lot, we just try to get through it. Many people say this is their favorite time of the year. While others say they wish the season never happened.
There’s so much going on! With be here, be there, commitments, people visiting, people in need, people entertaining, children fantasizing, children wanting, relatives, friends, co-workers, programs, gifts, ordering, wrapping, mailing, on and on and on, we just don’t have time.
Often when people are busy they forget to look at any paintings. Often people forget about the past, their roots, their heritage and even their beliefs, especially when it’s this season.
The one thing to truly remember is the “reason for the season” and what’s “truly important”. Jesus is the reason for the season and your relationship with Him is most important!”
“Things come and things go in life; some good some bad
Some leave us happy and other things truly leave us sad
We’re so wrapped up in it all being about ourselves each day
We often forget who we are and don’t even take time to pray
Spend some quality time reflecting and thinking about your life
You have or can have it eternal because of the love of Christ!”
“Paintings lead us to places deep in the memories of our minds. Find some time and take some time to ponder God’s will for you. May you have great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“Go and Inspire” BLOG BURST:
"I was very fortunate to have many gifted teachers who both taught and inspired me. I was also fortunate for a period of time to know someone who was very gifted in this field for many years. I saw them from the time they did student teaching to becoming a seasoned professional. Over many of those years I heard the anger over and over in their voice as they said they were in a job they hated.
I was extremely fortunate to be at a ceremony that was dedicated to award winning, outstanding teachers. The person I previously discussed was one of those being honored. I was so proud of that person. Standing close to me while observing was an individual who saw the tears in my eyes and said you must be very proud. I said to her, “You’ll never know how much!”
I work and spend time with a number of gifted school teachers and Biblical teachers and this year I painted this message (see above) that I have been carrying around for a number of years. For the past couple of years I have been inspired by this meaningful phrase, “The artist is nothing without the gift and the gift is nothing without the work!” It takes a lot of extremely hard work usually under extremely hard pressure for a long time to consistently produce something truly meaningful from the gift you were given.
If you are or ever have been, or have been affected by a great teacher then you will understand the meaning in this painting. Thank you teachers for all you do and have done. You may never know or see any results personally, but thank you! Thank you God for your indescribable gifts!”
“Somehow we lose track of those who made a difference in our life
Many stern, many kind, and many understanding but all with advice
Countless times they opened our eyes and nurtured our seeing
They invested themselves within the walls of our heart and being
Each day has a piece of those who gave and made you who you are
Because of them the road isn’t so long and the journey not so far!”
“Paintings can pay tribute and bring positive recall. Let the artist provoke your understanding and broaden your scope of your thinking. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“Peasant Woman by Van Gogh” BLOG BURST:
" Having had a couple of bouts with the influence of artistic medium I’ve pushed through and made a number of changes to correct living to likely with toxicants. I was wonder how many artist have been affected by contact with many of the materials of the trade. Not too many people talk about it.
“Vincent Van Gogh was born 158 years ago. A lot of the world has changed since he developing his craft. From the home of minister to studying with the Impressionist, he encountered and became affixed to the warm light of southern France. As he grew as an artist his works became brighter and brighter. He suffered from mental illness and was hospitalized on many occasions. His loneliness and health contributed to his suicide in 1890. His works are famous worldwide.
Many people suffer from many things some curable and some not. Living life everyday to its fullest and knowing that the God of the Universe is in control of all things can go a long way to reassuring us to enjoy the moment we have.”
“Some choose to be doctors, lawyers, teachers and alike
Some don’t have a choice others think it’s their right
Many are suffering because of the greed of political hacks
You know many are only interested filling their own sacks
Watch carefully and be aware each and everyday
Find the wisdom you need to understand what people say!”
“Paintings tell us what the artist wants to express. Listening with more than your ears is a lifelong process. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“External & Internal” BLOG BURST:
"Oil Painting begins with the knowledge of three rules: “Fat Over Lean”, “Thick Over Thin”, “Slow Drying Over Fast”. Risk the rules and your paintings will reveal cracks, eventually be of no value and your time spent worthlessly!
Why is it that we think we can mock God and take His essential “rules” for partnership and marriage and overrule it for our feel good emotions? The family you grew up in more important than your spouse, kids a priority over your partner, the advice from siblings overruling God’s eternal word, talking and communicating with the world more essential than communicating with each other and making your feelings the priority of your life will all lead you to disaster. All of them together you don’t really have a chance and you don’t even see it coming.
Adultery is adultery and breaking the covenant you made with God isn’t a position you want to hold.
Today’s Christian re-marriage is a joke. After you demonstrate to your children how you would rather destroy a relationship that was put together by God and how to face and handle difficult marital situations, you watch them line themselves up for all you were a part of. Congratulations! Don’t read and study God’s word, listen closely to worldly advisors and find someone who tickles your fancy treats and makes you “feel good” and you’ll soon be on your way down the aisle for a “good” Christian marriage. This is especially true after you’ve taken responsibility for your part in the failed marriage and moved on. We no longer see the scarlet letter as we once did.
Forgive me Oh God! Forgive us Oh God! Wake up my Christian brothers and sisters and take a good look at what’s happening to us and our world. We’ve forgotten that we serve Him and He doesn’t serve us. We’ve forgotten that we’re supposed to glorify Him and do His will. We’ve crossed out that we are just travelers passing through to another kingdom. We’ve made “our” choices, settled in with our siblings and the rest of the world, to be mastered by our sin and that old dragon, the deceiver. How does that apple taste now?
Cracks don’t always show immediately as oil paints take a long time to dry. They do and will show up! You’ve made your choices and you’re happy. To coin Jonathan Edwards it’s not a pleasant thing to fall into the hands of the angry God.”
“I never thought these days would be as they are
Parted, separate ways not even talking from afar
But you and yours wanted this for a long, long time
Not satisfied, outside the clan, changing of your mind
So good bye my love, I will not be with you again
We lost, we lost, so much we had for Him to win!”
“Oil paintings can say so much to each of us when time and care is applied properly from conception to framing. Have a great week. My thoughts are with you!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“It’s More Than About You!” BLOG BURST:
"“Sorry!” but “…..in every circumstance give thanks for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thes.5:18) That’s a lot to think about! Think about some of your circumstances, what you are going through and what you’ve been through.
John MacArthur speaks about it this way, “In everything, verse 18 says, give thanks, in everything. It's in the Greek en pante(?),it has the idea of in connection with everything that comes along in life. It's just very, very broad. It has no limits. It has no confines. No matter what it might be give thanks. Anything that isn't sin...obviously sin falls outside the purview of that command as it does in rejoicing. We certainly “always rejoice” wouldn't rejoice in sin and in everything giving thanks “wouldn't give thanks for sin”. But apart from that, everything else should precipitate an attitude and an expression of thanks to God. As we saw in Romans 1:21 thanklessness is a characteristic of people who are outside the Kingdom of God. In fact, in 2 Timothy chapter 3, you probably should add this expression of man's fallenness, they are, according to verse 2, lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, etc., etc., treacherous, reckless. In all of the litany of what defines unregenerate people, right in the middle is thanklessness.
There's a driving foolish philosophy today, you hear people say it all the time, you can be anything you want to be, you can do anything you really want to do. Which isn't, of course, true at all. But this sort of garrisons man's mind against fatalism which is the idea that the reality is you can't do anything you want to do, you can't have anything you want to have, you can't achieve anything you want to achieve. It's not the way life works. But rather than deal with that kind of fatalism, we believe a lie and launch off into a fantasy world believing what down in our hearts we know is not true. “
I believe a lot of those that claim they are “His” are no different, chasing their own will over the “will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” Rather than it be a happy week of eating, watching TV, seeing friends and family, being on the net, or talking on the phone incessantly, maybe it’s time to reflect on your own position on giving thanks and the will of God for you and your obedience to Him!” (Happy Day Lyrics)
“Forget what’s in the past, take ownership then move away
So its “Happy Thanksgiving” let everyone have their say
But in your heart give thanks for everything for it is His will
In good and bad He’s in total control, be silent and be still
Have a thankful attitude before the people the worldly kind
Do His will and you will have peace and understand His mind!”
“Paintings express the thoughts and mind of the artist’s heart and they can transpose your views to help you see and check the truthfulness of your own heart. I’m thankful you visited. Have a great “Thankful Week”!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“Thank You For Your Sacrifice” POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“The Country called, duty cried out, the need came to pass
From all over this land men and women answered the task
Not knowing the outcome or answering with an outward fear
They gave and give not looking for single personal cheer
They went to other lands some near and some far away
Giving themselves to duty and honor with any price to pay
Do we fathom the sacrifice of those who suffered for us all
Do we understand how precious freedom, not letting it fall
Do we grasp how little we give, yet enjoy all that was done
Truly knowing what was given up by each and every one
How many mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, families gave
How a life time of heartache on so many roads were paved
Have you ever seen rows of crosses lying endless in fields
Each a representation of a life or lives to duty they did yield
We’re all been caught up in meaningless things we say and do
All pales in contrast to those who paid the cost for me and you
Cry out and thank them and theirs for what’s been done
Ask God to heal and be with them with Him becoming one
Ask Him for forgiveness and to heal and help our land
Ask Him to bless those who gave and hold us in His hand!”
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“EyesDon’tSee” BLOG BURST:
"The affect of “Light” on the subject, the intensity, the color all play a great part in a painting. One of the most important elements in a painting is how light penetrates. Its use can dramatically alter the appearance, the meaning, and the mood of any created work. It allows the artist to convey his or her expression and the painting to be viewed properly.
Men are more careful to do things that are right, act more properly, and be more careful when light is present. Darkness and shadow leave room for things that are not lawful, not right and for a thought process that falls far short of what we are called to do and to be.
Often we don’t even see the darkness we participate in for many reasons. We’re caught up in ourselves, we’re not listening to whom we should, or our focus is in the wrong place.
The Bible tells us that Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 Also in John 3:19 it states, “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.”
The world, men and all of us need more light because the world, what it says and what it preaches is still evil and what it does affects and influences all of us. Following it is wrong, no matter if you think it makes you happy. You can change the rules and tell people how wonderful things are, but light will always uncover darkness.
“Oh, Happy Day, when Jesus washed my sins away!” (Happy Day Lyrics)
“Tick tock, tick tock the world treads slow but is moving still
We pick and choose what we want not considering His will
We don’t want criticism or truth to stand before us to say
That we have danced with darkness and chosen its way
But apples and fruit are already bursting forth from the tree
For that which is born in our children doesn’t make them free!”
“Seeing the light and its power in a painting can help us grasp the truth and how important it is to live it out daily. Hope there is more light in your life and not just temporary feel good situations. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“ModigFromTheTouristwithNecklace” BLOG BURST:
"A few weeks ago I wrote a Burst on artist Amedeo Clemente Modigliani, who was considered after his death an artistic pioneer in depth, 3D, depiction of form and color, especially as a follower of Cezanne. While he is mostly known for his “nude” portrayals of his elongated mask like faces and rounded simplified shapes, he painted many of his clothed models with some classic clothing and a few timeless necklaces. Having watched “the Tourist” again, lately, I decided to put together one of my portrayals of the three beautiful women I characterized in the “ModigThree” which I painted and put on this blog earlier (plus painting listed by Google under “Modigliani woman” under images). This time I would paint her in character of one of the stars of the movie, a type of “Modigliani woman with a necklace”.
As I was doing this rendition, I thought about that scene in the movie where she entered the Ball and everyone there seemingly couldn’t take their eyes off her. Dressed to perfection she was stunning. I continued my thoughts with how most people want everyone to notice them. How that 15 seconds of fame is so big in our country and how kids turn into totally new characters when a video camera is pointed at them.
Having recently viewed a YouTube video on Adrian Gonzalez’s Testimony I was confronted with the truth of the world and the truth of the Bible. Adrian Gonzalez is the first baseman of the Boston Red Sox who signed a seven year $154 million dollar contract. In the video he talks about how important it is to have a personal relationship with Christ and what that relationship means in light of everything else. Money, position, relationships, security, and more can all be lost in a heartbeat, but Christ will never leave you or forsake you. A true relationship following Him brings true joy and can make the complete difference in your life.
As an artist I know that your mind travels and it travels to many areas, past, present, future, real, surreal, and imagined.
Spend real time immersing yourself in a painting that captures your heart. Ponder its meaning and engross yourself until your thoughts are truly occupied by where it takes you.”
“People we know or are related to don’t have all the answers
Many offer up advice from words that have the spin of dancers
Seeking what others have or greener grass won’t truly satisfy
Focusing on showing others who you are may make your words die
It’s so hard to step back and see, to take a whole new gaze or view
Some things are made to die and others are to be born anew!”
“Paintings release details and thoughts of the viewer whether realized or imagined. Seek His choice rather than your own. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“The Roads all come before us till Heaven or Hell
The choices that we make time will surely tell
If we truly know Him and seek to do His will
He will never leave us or forsake us, what a thrill
What we see and do along the way He knows
He asks us to stand strong against the worldly foes
Living daily for Him isn’t easy, but it’s the only way
Especially when you realize the price for you He paid!”
“Paintings can en”lighten” you to the twisting roads and colorful, yet temporary surroundings. Seek First! Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“The Viewing Seats” BLOG BURST:
"In a complex, complicated world many are driven every day by pride, greed, money, self gratification, meism, and relationships that are all about them. Marriage, dating, and human interaction has turned into a “till I decide to throw you away”. Once having meaning vows and commitment are only useful in “words” in an outward ceremony where appearance is the end all and be all. The truth is we live in a time where the heart is desperately wicked.
Sometimes simplicity and truth are the hardest to find. When we do find them they can be the hardest to follow. The ugly head of pride always shows up to combat any sense that our actions were wrong and that we actually played a role in some wrong outcome. When others don’t meet our standards, rather than forgive them, we add it to the volumes of accusations we’ve collected to prove our own “rightness’.
Times and thoughts like these are often best put aside to look long and hard at all the surrounding circumstances and situations and visit things in their simplest forms. Complexities and complications brushed away, one needs to spend time looking for simplicity.
Matisse, considered one of the most important artists, became passionate about art. So much so he and a group he was involved with were called “fauves” or “wild men”. Matisse quest was to simplify art into its purest form. He died at 90 years of age still working on his life’s mission.
You can find simplicity and the truth. You must however be willing to accept it without pride, prejudice, or control. You must act on it for it to be truly meaningful. Otherwise, you will remain “the god” on the throne of your own heart.”
“Today’s life is more complicated with each and every day
Often both words and deeds obstruct choices along the way
Pride and self are always at the doorstep hindering the view
We settle in, self satisfied we’ve moved on afresh and new
But who can totally forget true love pushing it utterly aside
Because of what He did you know where peace abides!”
“Paintings can stir the soul and move us to go beyond what we think we are capable of. Hope you find your simplicity and truth. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“Apples” BLOG BURST:
"In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue!” This week’s designated Holiday for most is “Columbus Day”, brought about by an individual who wrongly or rightly is credited with the discovery of “America”.
We also were confronted this week with the passing of the genius who changed the entire world in his lifetime, Steve Jobs. Jobs was the founder and engine of Apple, Inc. His revolutionary genius and perseverance brought about the individual personal computer and the advent of a world of telecommunications people have only dreamed about.
About a hundred years ago was the passing of a man who many consider one of the world’s greatest artists. He was a man of means, who lived modestly, thanks to his father’s endeavors and a man of perseverance. He too was involved with apples, especially painting them. He once was quoted as saying, “I want to astonish Paris with an apple.” He met and joined with a group of revolutionaries who ultimately turned the world upside down. Through his expansion from technical and traditional structure he explored, observed and created works unlike any before him. The critics made fun of him because what he was doing was too revolutionary. Many artists who came after him credit him with mentoring their own genius. Paul Cezanne was truly one of the world’s great artists.
The lives of many individuals are often criticized by those who don’t understand. They are talked about, lied about and spurned because they just don’t fit the mold of those who would change them.
We’re not asked to be revolutionaries, geniuses, conformists or apple lovers. We’re told to be followers who do the will of Him who was sent to save the world!”
“Why do we fuss and fight and think we discover our way
Why do others tell us what to do and what we are to say
Why do we choose that which leads us to the wrong place
Why can’t we see what’s coming so life won’t be such a waste
Why do you give up convictions for what the world proclaims
Why do you see only after you are confronted with the blame?”
“Paintings can last longer than a lifetime with messages of truth that can help us along our way. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“Not Always Together” BLOG BURST:
"No one before him had integrated materials in sculpture, specifically silk and metal. But after years of studying, drawing, and painting with his eyes failing, Edgar Degas turned from seeing with his eyes to seeing with his mind and creating with his fingers. His gift of capturing movement came to life in real dances of his metal ballerinas. He never married and at the end of his life he was alone and almost blind.
Life moves and changes and nothing stays the same. The earth and the world around us cry out with the knowledge that time is moving to an ultimate conclusion. Some of us fight the fight of being people who are not of this kingdom. Many of us fail. Many have thrown their principles and beliefs away to be satisfied with momentary, earthly pleasures and false security.
Works likes Degas’s “Young Dancer of Fourteen” can invigorate and awe us by what he had captured and what he shared. As our thoughts travel within us we must move to answering where are we going and what will become of us?
I pray you’ll find the answer that passes all understanding and you will act upon it!”
“Real fabric on metal changed the artist work complete
Staring at the beauty of His work brings us to our feet
The heavens and the earth all witness to His hand
What have you done with your life as a woman or a man
Have you stopped to see Him real and invite Him to stay
Life is ever passing; don’t let the opportunity get away!”
“Paintings evoke personal emotions and involvement which add volumes to our lives. Find one that reminds you how fleeting this world is. Have a great week.”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“ModigThree” BLOG BURST:
"There was an artist who rivaled all of the emerging artists of the bohemian era from around 1905 to 1920 centered in Paris, yet seemingly lesser known. His name was Amedeo Clemente Modigliani from Livorno Italy. His distain and self indulgent dissolute life-style eventually led to his death in 1921 and the suicide of his pregnant mistress. Just a few years’ later popularity and notoriety came for his mask-like elongated faces and simplified forms with Cézanne painted type backgrounds.
Here I have taken three beautiful women and characterized them in a Modigliani form with elongated faces, pinched noses, tiny shut mouths, elongated necks and designated it the “ModigThree”.
This man was an example of someone with enormous self pride, choosing his own path and ultimately, receiving the rewards of the world. Affairs, rebellion, adultery, the taking of another man’s wife, drugs, protests, smugness, self righteous thinking all led to an end for himself and a young pregnant woman who had devastated her own family by her actions and choices.
We all make the wrong choices and the consequences always come home. For a Christian there is forgiveness, but still the result of the behavior and choices will have to be dealt with. Adultery, sleeping around, choosing to divorce your spouse for non Biblical reasons, and demonstrating a life-style contrary to what you have told your children may have devastating results as you see your actions lived out in your children’s lives which are contrary to Scripture. There is an account and we will all be held accountable.
Beauty on canvas may not give the true glimpse of life and the way it really is.”
“Why do we choose to choose what we do
Continually looking for something new
When a heart rules does it lead us astray
Do we think that we actually control our day
Why don’t we see the war around as we should
Knowing that evil’s goal is to snuff out good!”
“Paintings release details and thoughts of the viewer whether realized or imagined. Seek His choice rather than your own. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“A Distorted View” BLOG BURST:
"Paintings are often reminders or often expressions of experiences, things and sites seen as well as concepts and vision that one’s brain conjures up. This is an impasto composition, active and vibrant that I did some time ago. And where I want not to offend anyone who conjures up that it looks like them, or so and so, I palette knifed it for distortion. Some have commented that it’s all about them. Sorry, it’s about all of us. The words, comments and commentary are about life, the mess and deterioration our land, and seeing that we have thrown God out of our country, our families and our lives. We mock God to His face by our actions, deeds, and words. The “Church” accepts the things that are wrong including directly perverting Scripture.
I pass no personal judgment as I have many judgments that are passed on my life. I offer these insights of study, Scripture, and personal experience to help some and call others to get their personal pride out of the way and come to grips with reality while there is still time.
I listened to a great message this past week on righteousness and evil. There is NO COMPROMISE between them. There is no place, NO PLACE, where they mingle, share or co-exist.
Jesus demands everything! He will allow tests and trials to wake you up to the understanding that it’s “not about you or your siblings”. It’s about what He wants and demands from each of His, to be faithful followers doing His will, making choices of obedience and not seekers of personal and worldly approval.
How far short of what He wants we fall. But as Paul says, “Forgetting what is in the past press on to the mark of the high calling.” If it’s in your power and you can get your pride out of the way, reconcile, forgive, come back and demonstrate to your kids and those around you His awesome power.”
“I come to wake up one day and wonder what has taken place
Our country and families no longer even see the evil that they face
Take what is secure and throw it all away more each and every day
Replace it with tolerance, co-existence or new marriage for today
No weeping, no crying for righteousness and foundational beliefs
God thrown out of our society, and homes, who will be our relief?”
“Paintings that move our hearts remind us of our lives each time we engage with them. The times and the events surrounding our lives remind us that we will soon be held accountable for our choices. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“Purple With Green Centers”
"A great technique in oil painting is using glazes. Once the work is drawn out completely a transparent color can be applied over an under painted or any other surface on the canvas. These glazes actually reflect light and the more glazes the deeper the shadows, the depth, the richness of color and highlight of the surface.
Today society doesn’t see a lot. In fact it is pretty much meism focused. Gone are the days of really reaching out and doing and serving others. The only time we see this change is when there is something like this past hurricane. People do reach out and are concerned for neighbors, friends and family during times of crisis and disaster. America seems to get centrally focused when challenged or wronged.
We glaze over stuff. In fact we pass by without seeing things and we change things to meet our personal desires and self interest.
After the week we’ve had and what seems to be happening all over the country isn’t it time to re-examine everything. We haven’t come a long way baby. We’ve deteriorated from our roots, beliefs and just about everything we once held dear.
Many, many Christians are no longer salt and light and have joined the world. They have forgotten that they are not their own, but accountable ambassadors and citizens of another Kingdom.
Is it time to take a closer look? Maybe it’s time to stop glazing over things in this life!”
“Many people recently lost just about all they had
But spoke about family not stuff that made them sad
People stood beside each other helping as they could
Living and being whose you are is really awful good
Be careful what you choose and taking that great advice
For He keeps watch over His keeping an account of life!”
“Often paintings are ruined when you try to change them. It’s like the point where you can’t turn back because your pride won’t let you. But thankfully God can change circumstances, events and hearts especially of His own. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“Oh See The Light”
"The days roll on with more and more difficulty coming on our country. The latest epitaph of weather related trials lay before the East Coast with piles of uncertainty, destruction and downright trouble and problems. Every state has an emergency and is asking for relief funds. … and Mother Nature. There is no Mother Nature! But God Almighty seems definitely to be wanting our attention. Titus 3 encourages us be a people subject to rulers, obedient to authorities and do whatever is good.
Now’s the time to reach out to those around you and help them not because you have to or you have something to gain, because you are not your own you are bought with a price to be used not for your own pride or will but for His glory.
May He who holds everything in His hand protect you and yours. Trust you’ll make it through the hurricane and the days that follow!”
“We were foolish and disobedient, deceived and enslaved
Not seeking Him, wanting to live for ourselves above the wave
Not putting Him first and doing what was good and right
Not doing what He wanted; not being salt and light
Let the winds of heaven remind you this very day
To move beyond yourself and seek Him in a new way!”
“Paintings can remind us that we have no control. Trust you’ll make it through the hurricane and the days that follow. Communicate with you soon!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“Storm Brewing”
"The process for painting starts with a concept, idea, or vision. It can be spontaneous or part of some series of continual related subjects. It then moves to a series of drawings and I believe a creative plan of execution. There are thousands and thousands of variables, but the clearer the focus on the vision the clearer the execution. The more focused you are on the vision, the more lucid the execution of that vision. You have to take many of your assumptions and throw them away. Too often we get distracted by meaningless talk, and meaningless ideas of others. When thoughts and real facts aren’t given credence, we tend to build things that seem perfectly logical in our own mind, but in truth and reality worthless. When artist and painters communicate with themselves in a clear logical, truthful manner, it produces less roadblocks to the execution of the work.
Life, marriage and relationships have these same issues. Thinking you can judge someone on their state of mind by your slated viewpoint and a selfish, prideful interpretation doesn’t mean it’s right. Often people who think it’s all about them, Instead of seeking out that individual and taking time to discuss and communicate the situation will opt for digging in their heels and spouting off about all that’s happening to them. Maybe they are trying to warn you? Maybe they want you to see things for yourself? Maybe moving on doesn’t mean to them what it means to you? Maybe they’re aware of how much and how far you have gone away from your core and are concerned for you?
John MacArthur from his sermon “Responding to the will of God” from James 4:13-17 states:
“And though my obedience is imperfect, it is nonetheless characteristic of my relationship to Him as His child bearing His nature that I have a desire to do His will. On the other hand, if there is in the heart no desire to do the will of God, that is the mark of a rebel, that is the mark of one who has not been transformed, one who does not love God.”
An artist, painter must concern themselves with the reality of truth, the message of the medium and the execution of the plan to accomplish the vision to an actuality. Truth in communications is vital, assumptive communion is the death of a work.”
“Writing your understandings and facts
Often helps others who are taken back
Things mean more when Scripture’s heard
Nothing beats the truth of His Holy Word
Say and do what you want, but if it ain’t right
Remember you are never out of His sight!”
“Paintings need to cause a reaction and move you. Do you have a desire to do the will of God or is your vision clouded? Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“TimeTogether -Rockland Harbor, ME”
"When one takes paint to canvas there are a whole bunch of things that happen. If there is no plan and no experience, we see the results. If there is experience, skill and training, we see the difference in a dramatic way. In either case there are a series of questions, answers and directives. Each decision will play a part in the outcome. Sometimes those decisions which placed the future outcome of the work demands to be reworked or completely redone. Often this is the result of poor planning, poor execution, or our thinking getting ahead of ourselves. One artist says he starts out and as soon as he does his work it is nothing more than a series of corrections. There is a means and method and when ignored it often comes back to bite.
We are all sinners, guilty, and the world is moving toward death. Nothing from original creation is the same. It never stops changing and it’s all dying in its own way. The Bible says,”the heart is desperately wicked”. It is always trying to justify itself, especially if we make decisions contrary to Scripture and the truth. In today’s world, we fight these decisions each and every day. As in painting, we all can choose, but often our choices should be looked at carefully. We have time and the ability to visit them and change the outcome.
John MacArthur from “Above Reproach” puts it this way:
“The person who neglects ethical integrity is telling a lie about God with his life and his attitude. If he calls himself a Christian and professes to be a child of God, he is in fact taking God’s name in vain at the most fundamental level. That puts the issue of ethical integrity in perspective, doesn’t it?
That’s what we need to call to mind whenever we are tempted to adapt our ethical principles for convenience’ sake. It isn’t worth the high cost to our reputation, our character, or our testimony.”
“Sin is always stepping in and trying to change life
Nothing is the same with the curse on man and wife
Influence and choices lead to what comes about
Maligning words and misguided truths births doubt
Forfeiting the right to have anything to say
You forsook all and choose to go your own way!”
“Paintings teach us and remind us of just how fragile life really is. Make the right choices or remake those you should change. It’s not too late. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“Connections” BLOG BURST:
"Artists paint and paint and paint some more. The other day I read an article from an author who said he was an artist. He was seeking advice on how to sell his work and how much they were worth. He started by saying he didn’t want to brag, but he was a really, really great artist and his paintings were really, really something. At the end of his writing he said he had not been to art school, hadn’t been to college and hadn’t graduated from high school as of yet. It left me with the same feeling I had when I was asked by a fellow artist, will I be more famous if I use oil or acrylic?
Paintings are works that engage you and can even bring you to your knees. Viewers as well as artists can have feelings and emotions about the works they’ve seen or produced, but it’s not true love. Often there is that question, “What is true love?”
John MacArthur in his sermon, “Love: A Feeling, or An Action? From Corinthian 13 tells the difference
Here is a couple of excerpts:
“Few people have any idea of what true love is. Most people, including many Christians, seem to think of it only in terms of nice feelings, warm affection, romance, and desire. When we say, “I love you,” we often mean, “I love me and I want you.” That, of course, is the worst sort of selfishness, the very opposite of agapÄ“ love.
Self–giving love, love that demands something of us, love that is more concerned with giving than receiving, is as rare in much of the church today as it was in Corinth. The reason, of course, is that agapÄ“ love is so unnatural to human nature. Our world has defined love as “romantic feeling” or “attraction,” which has nothing to do with true love in God’s terms.
The supreme measure and example of agapÄ“ love is God’s love. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son” (John 3:16). Love is above all sacrificial. It is sacrifice of self for the sake of others, even for others who may care nothing at all for us and who may even hate us. It is not a feeling but a determined act of will, which always results in determined acts of self–giving. Love is the willing, joyful desire to put the welfare of others above our own. It leaves no place for pride, vanity, arrogance, self–seeking, or self–glory. It is an act of choice we are commanded to exercise even in behalf of our enemies: “I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you in order that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 5:44–45). If God so loved us that, even “while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son” (Rom. 5:10; Eph. 2:4–7), how much more should we love those who are our enemies.”
“The convoluted acts that we think are facts
Never spending time to see where it lacks
Never looking deeply in our minds and souls
Standing on presumption ever so very bold
But the curse is deep and strong tearing us apart
We so need the only remedy there is for the heart!”
“Find a painting that crystallizes the memories of your mind and brings you to the truth. Have a great day and a good week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“Two Roses For You” BLOG BURST:
" A rose is a rose. Not Really in today’s world or symbols, brands and messages! I really like the above painting and enjoyed doing it. Set in a surreal setting the painting has the color, the balance, the detail, and the emotional feel that roses portray coming from each detailed petal. Roses are identified to have different meanings. Red is to symbolize love, yellow joy and friendship, white remembrance and new beginning, and black or dark red roses mean the death of a relationship or heartfelt regret, sorrow, or termination.
Here we see the red rose, the unmistakable expression of love, and the pink rose conveying admiration, joy, and gratitude. Here’s “Two Roses For You”!
True painting expresses human emotion. That emotion may be the emotion of the artist personally or the emotion the artist wants to evoke in the mind’s eye of the viewer. At some point the artist in his concept of his direction to execute a work creates a design or methodology to transform a white canvas into a meaningful expression.
In John MacArthur’s sermon on “Assault On God’s Design For Marriage” He states:
“The Bible says that families are built on spiritual foundations, not psychological ones, not emotional ones. The Bible says that what is most important in a good marriage is love for God overruling love for self. What is really important in a good marriage is the pursuit of the needs of others rather than your own. What really matters is having a submissive heart that cares more about the other, true spiritual joy, gratitude, devotion to God and His Kingdom and His purposes and His glory, true holiness, obedience to Scripture.
In other words, marriage is just a place where you live your Christianity. And if you live it right, it's a happy, productive, fulfilled and blessed event every day. If you don't, it is fraught with pain and disappointment and unfulfillment and sadness and anger and all the rest. It has nothing to do with some human techniques of touch, or romance, or intimacy, or communication, or even financial security, and everything to do with your relationship to God”
Paintings can be changed, repaired, and redone. If a work does not bring about the artist’s necessary approval level of it being complete then the painting demands more attention, insight, and work. God is in the repair and recovery business. Allow Him to wash away the old crusty, dried, used up paint and create a virtually new brush for His glory and His use in evoking people to who He truly is.”
“Lives are marked by dates and times and yet we do not see
We live as though nothing matters fantasizing on what might be
We throw away the markers and those of whom we did care
Focusing in on our own self is what we want only to be aware
The choices made along the way become our signature on time
But we don’t forget these records as they press upon our mind!”
“Painting can express human feelings, but feelings cannot guide you in life. Hope you have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“Separated” BLOG BURST:
"I was reminded this week in doing some glazing and transparent overlays of just how great a technique it is and how careful you have to be. Knowing what you are doing and why will cut down on the frustrations as well as the pain. Many people think that just by applying the right brand of paint to a properly stretched canvas will produce a wonderful painting. Easy peasy, right? Not so! Each medium has its rule, regulations and disciplines. When you don’t let a transparent overlay dry properly, it will separate and pull away from the previous layer. Go over it too many times and you’ll notice it separating and building up right before your eyes.
I was made aware of the word “separation” in Christian marriage by John MacArthur, whom I mentioned last week, in a dialogue he has on his sermon messages titled “A Dialogue on Divorce”. He makes his sermons available to everyone on the web, here are his comments:
“The Bible says one thing about separation. And it says that a husband and a wife are never to separate unless it's for prayer. People say, "Oh, you know, let's separate for a while it will be good for us." It's never good. You can't accomplish anything when you're not together. So the Bible doesn't say anything about it. Now, as I say, there may be times when you have to separate to protect your own physical body or to take your children and save their necks as it were from an abusive parent. But as far as separation the Bible says in I Corinthians chapter 7 that there is to be no defrauding of one another, physically, no separation except for a season of prayer. And that would be where you were so overwrought with some spiritual need that your life was just totally consumed with that spiritual dimension. But as far as just separating for some reason or other, there's really no such thing in Scripture.”
Too often and often too late we are reminded of the simplicity and the complication the proper regulations and disciplines would make to our relationships.”
“Was a time when what’s before us didn’t matter anyway
All too often we let others and things change our way
Instead of being one against a world that always opposes
We let life and circumstances come at us in heavy doses
People think there is no turning back or making amends
The thief on the cross changed paths just before the end!”
“Paintings, great paints come from diligent, ardent work within executable disciplines. You can’t change the rules to conform to what others say or presumptions you’ve made. Pretty similar to marriage and divorce is it. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd