“Memorial Day 2011”BLOG BURST:
"This week is different and we need to pause and remember
Time moves so fast, and many of us are no longer together
There were and are those that risked and gave their all
As our country needed them they answered the call
We have our freedom, way of life because of their sacrifice
Thank you God for them; they played such a part in our life
This week is different and we need to pause and remember
Time moves so fast, and many of us are no longer together
Families broken, apart, going their own separate ways
Still the love we’ll always have for them guides us everyday
Spouses of our youth, loves of our life, never to be replaced
Many gone their own way, others resting in a special place
This week is different and we need to pause and remember
Time moves so fast, and many of us are no longer together
Children born and raised, with us, or moved on somewhere
Sons and daughters, curses of life to meet and still care
Relationships built and growing; both separate and apart
Always be connected as you gave to them your heart
This week is different and we need to pause and remember
Time moves so fast, and many of us are no longer together
Mother, father, sister, brother how they influenced our living
Some are with us some are not, but they were always giving
Struggles and time influences all the choices, what can we say
Leads us to reflect on how we’d do things differently today
This week is different and we need to pause and remember
Time moves so fast, and many of us are no longer together
How you doing; what’s going on, how’s things for you; we say
Do we really hear what we’re saying and how precious is today
Not enough said, no forgiveness; just too much caused by pain
Time moves on and soon we’ll join the dust as life truly wanes
This week is different and we need to pause and remember
Time moves so fast, and many of us are no longer together
Connect with those you loved, care for, forgive, and love
Contemplate where you’ve come from and God above!”
“Pause”, “Remember”, and “Act”, you won’t regret it. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“Family at the Beach” BLOG BURST:
"Many families are fortunate to have kids. Many are fortunate to have time together and have it be meaningful. The painting above is and impressionist expression of a memorable time together for a family that once had meaning.
In her article “The Curse of the Just-OK Marriage”, Caroline Campion explains in author Pamela Haag’s most recent book “Marriage Confidential” that she had an OK marriage to a wonderful husband but questions led her to survey 2000 other people, all of whom came to the same conclusion she had about her “feelings”. “After years of kids, years and the relationship, myself as well as those I surveyed haven’t felt fulfilled and are left with the question is that all there is? With all the romantic ideas, experts in compatibility and of course the feminist revolution shouldn’t marriages be better. It seems like they are not.”
Here it is again, the world looks for worldly solutions. Unfortunately Christians don’t offer much of an alternative because they also are wrapped up with worldly judgments and looking for worldly solutions. One group is totally selfish, misinformed and has a knowledge base that says the women’s movement should make a difference. The other group has the solution but for some reason can’t or won’t get their hearts to work with their heads in disobedience.
The Bible says Christians are to be salt and light to the world! Instead we’re asking for their advice and worse we’re following it. How many Christians actually believe what they promised? How many Christians stand up, communicate and stand by their conviction? We’re too busy talking on the phone and making plans with our siblings to ask and be with our partners. We’re too busy listening to others who are selling out their relationships. We’re too busy worried about ourselves and how the world sees us to face any bad news and work through it with God. Basically we’ve sold out to the world, turned our backs on our relationships with our partners and our relationship with the Lord. How much do we pray together? How much do we study together? How much do we communicate with each other before the Lord. We’d rather malign or take a poll about our spouse than sit down and have prayer and a real conversation. We’re more interested in going to dinner at the relatives than dining before the Lord and seeking His advice and putting Him first. As long as we can get away, have what we want, play and feel good we’re fine, thank you very much.
But we’re not fine are we? We’ve broken our vows. Said and committed wrongs toward our mates; judged them on how they repented; and sought out some so called expert to tell us that the partner of our youth has some brain disorder.
Jesus says come I will give you rest. Come and I will give you wisdom. Come and I will heal your brokenness and create something new and wonderful. But we don’t even hear it anymore! We’re too busy wanting to go on with “our own life” which by the way was purchased by Jesus for His use, whether in sickness or in health, hurt, pain, brokenness, even death; all for His honor and His glory not ours.
So the memories and the unfulfilled marriages go on or come apart. It’s our will and not His. Yet, we’re in church the week after the divorce with the “new” friend. It’s a total mockery! When will we Christians wake and get right? When will we Christians set our pride and anger apart and get before Him and ask Him what He wants? We already know His answer and it’s not what we want to hear so we’ll go to the beach instead.
Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus and live! You won’t have to find or worry that you’ll “feel” unfulfilled by your marriage, or by your relationship to God."
“Time moves on and only some thoughts will last
Everyday words and prayers are made on your behalf
What’s keeping you from your relationship with Him?
Pride, selfishness, something you don’t consider sin
Never really seeing what was truly going on each day
Never finding the answers to help you on your way
Man has his plans, but God’s plans stand firm!”
“Paintings can have a special connection between artist and the viewer. God wants a special connection with us, an unbroken one. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“What Would You Say” BLOG BURST:
" The painting above depicts the intensity of kneeling before Him. While a painting can never deliver that true, pure understanding of being nothing before the Holy Awesome God, the visual thought can be overwhelming. Read Isaiah’s Commission in Isaiah 6: “Woe to me! I am ruined!” Read John’s account of Jesus in Revelation 1:12-17: “”When I saw him, I fell at His feet as though dead.” The true account for an individual can be an encounter through an intense intimate relationship with the Lord or as Paul met the Lord on the road to Damascus in Acts 26:12.
This is so far away from today and yesterday’s news and yet there is a close tie. Let me begin.
Forget Bin-What’s His Name, old news. The new news is Arnold and Maria’s separation. As the “world bus” travels toward the book of Revelation fulfilling itself, there will be marriage and the giving of marriage. As we all know right there at the top of the mountain is “divorce” and what leads to divorce is separation.
The website "Jesus-Is-Savior.com" states: “God hates divorce! It is only because of sinful pride and selfishness that people end up divorced in the first place.” On their site they state some of the reasons why it is a sin: 1. Marriage vows; 2. God said not to; 3. Divorce is quitting; 4. Divorce is an unwillingness to forgive. They continue by saying “it is only because of sinful pride and selfishness that people end up divorced in the first place.
One thing that is perfectly clear is in God’s infallible Word it is stated, “God hates divorce!” Malachi 2:16
The world doesn’t fear God. Today, most Christians have no fear of God. Most Christians don’t have an intimate relationship with God. We Christians just go about doing what makes us feel good, no more discipline, and no consequences. It’s all about self. Being undone, ruined, falling to the ground as dead, being overcome by fear, what’s all that about? We look for feel good books and videos and answers we want for our questions. God’s wrath has been replaced by some superficial way of looking at forgiveness and love with no consequence. We’ve forgotten that the wages of sin are death and some things are going to die. Christians may ask and receive forgiveness but consequences of many of their actions and the payments for sins are still due.
God’s wrath is real! God’s rule is unflappable! God’s way unchangeable! You are not the Master. And if you have accepted Christ as Savior and received payment for your sins through God’s overwhelming grace and love which is the only thing you need, then you now have life. Your life over death! What is it that makes you think “happily ever after” is dictated by you, your feelings, your family, and your divorced worldly friends? You didn’t love enough, care enough, commit enough and now your children will become products of that same divorce sin you brought about! You’ve shone them that the world’s answer is correct, adultery is normal, family is only the one you were born to not the one you were supposed to build together, and that you were not bought with the highest price by God to be used for His honor and His glory. Beware! God is not mocked!
While there is always more than one story and more than one participant that contributes to the state of separation, the one who files the papers for divorce is the guilty party. But God will judge each according to the truth. God wants reconciliation. It is not too late unless you have entered into a matrimonial state, even if you have already committed adultery. Humble yourself and seek God with all you have and ask Him for forgiveness! Seek reconciliation and forgiveness from your spouse, and ask God to heal both of you and put your marriage back together. Honor Him! Only God can do this. He will if your heart is right. If your heart is not right, the truth will haunt you and His consequences will find you for the rest of your earthly life.
We can and will see them all, the “govenators”, the commentators, the actors, millionaires, the common and uncommon folk of the world and the Christians, all who chose to follow Satan’s lies.
We may be privileged to see and encounter Christians who have come out of this and are a true testimony to the living all-powerful God. On "The Blessed Life" with Pastor Robert Morris, you can find a great example of this. "Katie and Josh Hamilton" "What Saves You" May 5 - The One Thing Series.POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“Look carefully around you and see the world turning upside down.
Hear the cries, screaming voices, tears and faces with the frowns.
People say it’s “Mother Nature”; they don’t want to face the facts
Christ is coming, God is about to pour out His wrath; people must act
Almighty, All-powerful, Sovereign God is the only Truth and in control
Your pride, your self confidence, all your secures will completely fold
Please get your heart right; get your life right before the story is told!”
“Paintings remind us of great truths and foundational principals, but actions and selflessness are required to take those reminders past our hurt, pride and emotions. “Behold I stand at the door and knock!” Take the action necessary. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“The Very Best” BLOG BURST:
"Well here we are once again and today has been designated “Mother’s Day”! For all the Mother’s out there, Happy Mother’s Day! You certainly deserve more than an acknowledgement of one day. Pain in child bearing, constant worry, correction and care; unconditional love, guidance, insight and for those of us who have been very fortunate probably the single greatest source of encouragement in life.
Unfortunately for many the role of the mother has drastically changed. Amidst the self generation, meism, and the movement that deprecates the role, we see the entire society changing. With all the pressure to keep up, show off and have everything we see many children being left behind. Being a mother is portrayed as not as important as having a job and having your life.
Obviously the concept of true marriage has been thrown out the window. Big homes, new cars, vacation to who knows where, and the constant rebellion against God’s principal keeps the wave of self and self importance far above the care, nurturing, and development of the family unit.
Mother’s who are godly, who read and study and follow after “seeking first the kingdom” are rare. It is those who still impact their children. They pray constantly for their protection, for God’s leading, for the selection of the right spouse, God’s choice rather than theirs. In fact they take seriously the fact that they are called by God for His purpose and His purposes only. It’s not about them or what they have been told; it’s about bringing honor and glory to God in all their choices.
I praise God for a mother who has been the example of the finest godly women I have ever known. Thank you Lord God for that!! She has been the greatest of mothers, the finest example of godly wives and the most unbelievable, caring, loving individual to all with whom she comes in contact. How rare she is and how thankful I am to have experienced so much of what God is and has because of her!" POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“There aren’t enough words or time to tell you of my Mother.
To me there absolutely is no comparison to any other.
She’s given her life to do and follow always God’s lead
Each and every day she’s been careful His words to heed
All I can do is shout with all my heart and soul to you
Thank you for all you have done; thank you for all you do
There is no other who can compare in any way to you
May God continue to honor and bless you!”
“Paintings can tell us a thousand stories but none can compare to a truly godly mother. As you reflect on your own situation, I trust you will honor your relationship with God first. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“According To God’s Holy Law” Photo of Royal Wedding at the exact moment Princess Catherine says the above words!BLOG BURST:
"What pictures, what technology, what an opportunity happened last Friday amidst all the pomp and circumstance as much of the entire world watched Prince William and Princess Catherine make vows to each other and to God, witnessed by men. They signed the record and presented themselves to the world of 2 billion interested television onlookers and upwards of two million personal spectators.
What beauty, what pictures, what history that all of England and the world is celebrating, the commentators stated. This is where the happiness begins. This is a fairy tale.
In the audience of onlookers that day were billions of stories of both jubilance and disappointment, over vows taken, vows followed and vows forsaken.
G. Campbell Morgan, in his commentary on Matthew 19, states “that we see Christ’s stance and recognition of the sacredness and sanctity of the marriage relationship; and that any attempt to break it is wrong. It is solemn and makes no dissolution of the bond made except for one sin”.
What does this say to the church of Jesus Christ, especially here in the USA, who are turning and have turned their backs on these solemn promises, listening and following the world that says “divorce is OK and based on your feelings”? They go on with their lives as if nothing had happened and noting really changed. Back in the church, back to work, it must be God’s will as I want to get on with “my life”.
What can those who commit to breaking down this sacred institution and forgetting their responsibilities and promises expect from their future, their word, and their testimony?
What does it say to the millions of Christian offspring who will now forget what they were taught, follow other principles, other gods, and forsake the course God had for them all because of the choices made by those who abandoned following God’s command about the safeguard of this intuition.
Was this a fairy tale marriage? I don’t think so. That’s the world’s message again and the deceit of the evil one. The Bible relates that marriage will continue even to the point of Christ’s return. Friday’s magnification of the institution and the sacredness of its intent reminds of the tragedy going on today.
Honoring and following God’s principles and commands as well as employing His love through you to overcome all attempts to destroy marriage is paramount. For those who have had their world destroyed, torn apart and have been pushed into undesirable positions, Christ Jesus is the only healing. Through Him forgiveness, reconciliation, restoration, as well as new directions are all possible when we choose His way and His purpose above “our own” and all that others have for us.
It’s not too late for anyone! Christ and His love for you can make it all possible, but in order for His will to be done your obedience is essential!" POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“We certainly forget how we were when relationships get started
The vows that were shared, the commitment never to be parted
Life comes and goes; time and priorities do nothing but fall apart
Soon thereafter changes eat away the commitments of the heart
One day appears, orchestrated by others and the world were in
Creates the opening of discontentment always leading to acts of sin
But we know the wages of sin are death and each one of us must pay
And even though God forgives those payments do not go away!”
“Pictures and paintings tell us a thousand words and millions of messages. It takes great courage, commitment, and trust to follow what you committed to against the odds the world puts up. Trust and obey! Don’t only ponder the truth; act on it. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd