“Stylized Beauty” BLOG BURST:
"If you’ve been here before, you know I‘m constantly working on paintings. While some have their own opinion on what work is and what work isn’t, that’s another blog for another day. One of the paintings (not the one above) had the age old curse of cracks in a certain area. If you work with oils you know the rules and the curses. You just didn’t wait for the natural drying process. You dove back in because you hate to stop and put your expression on hold, and applied more paint. Soon you see them and you know corrective measures must be taken before you proceed or you’ve got to throw it away and start anew.
Some artists say I would never correct them and never have a painting which was perfectly correct. Others make the necessary repairs and move on without sacrificing the worthy expression that was originally created.
This week I heard and saw some cracks below the surface appearing in some conversations I had with different people. One person was expressing how sometimes they just could not understand their spouse as the meaning of things expressed kept changing. Another expressed how their child had told them that even when their partner was wrong they would never admit it as they were always right. Someone else told me that their in-laws were perfectly clear that they really wanted nothing to do with them.
Sometimes we know and see the cracks, but don’t want to deal with them. Sometimes we don’t really see what’s causing them. Sometimes we do not want to confront someone about them. Sometimes we seek advice and insight on what to do about them. Sometimes our council doesn’t have a clue about the cracks even when told about them. Sometimes we just throw everything away no matter the consequences to whomever or God’s commands or purposes.
Relationships deal with more than one person. James 1:5; “If any of you lack wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” Remember, the answer will be according to His Word, not just something your family, friends, or the world tells you.
1 Peter 4:8; “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.” If you are His, He will help you!”
“Great interaction builds up and doesn’t tear away
No need for life to have explosions waiting every day
The anger and the yelling never solved a thing
Living for the world to see; satisfaction won’t bring
It’s each other not what family or friends have to say
Pouring both hearts out to the King is the only way!”
“Paintings always require a close examination, some cracks can be repaired and others will continue to deface the painting. Check the other cracks in your life and remember you choose to be in love and to love. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“Happy Father’s Day!!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“NeverWhatTheySeem” BLOG BURST:
"I’ve been working on about five paintings. You know “waiting for paint to dry”. I discovered a number of things as I always do. I try, as always to get a few takes in on different subject matter, especially reflective of the blog. I read an article on the net this week on “Spark Back In Marriage”. After reading through it, reviewing, and contemplating what was said, I wanted to illustrate how thing always seem to be with simple solutions. So with that in mind I did an abstract composite with overlays and blends dealing with a very meaningful subject to me which illustrated the title.
The article was informative saying first to “prioritize love”. Slow down, think about each other and spend some time together. Next was “get in your head to be happy with your mate”, write down what you are grateful for, appreciate them more. Reflect on your life. What brought you together? Focus on all the positives and don’t allow negatives in. It continued with do something together, like take a dance class. Review your vows. Tackle a joint project. Read or discover something together. And of course the suggestion that intimacy comes from having more sex.
Things are never as they seem and worldly suggestion will never fully satisfy a fallen world. A world that tells you “till death do we part” and answers with “I’ve lost my feelings”. Even in answers like these you see what the Prince of this World wants to do with marriages, especially Christian ones. If that created being can break up a marriage and take the kids off the track of following and doing the will of He who made us and created us, he’s accomplished his purpose. We the participants have all contributed to allowing this to happen from the choices we have made.
So choose the best sparks to your marriage, read the Word together, pray together, be together and prioritize each other together as you ask and seek with all your heart God’s leading and direction in your life.”
“I wish I knew what to count on and what not, before I chose
Most of the times our eyes aren’t open when they’re closed
There are no “mulligan’s” or “do-overs” in the marriage game
We don’t consider that a relationship is even going to change
We don’t honor, we don’t respect, and we don’t even care
If it ain’t leading us where others said; no need to be there
We’ve truly forgotten who’s we are and His priority on our life
Marriage is an ever evolving mix-up and we need Christ!”
“Paintings can remind us of the priority of our focus and need to always tend to what’s important. Hope you have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“Artistic Interpretation of Monet’s Field Of Poppies” BLOG BURST:
"Many paintings depict interactive scenes and many scenes come from the natural surroundings around us, places we encounter. Many paintings have people as their subject, important people, everyday people, and people in settings, even people artists’ want to paint or people they were commissioned to paint. No matter what the subject artists appropriate something from their subject that takes them to a level of emersion. They see something; feel something and want to put that message before them in a communication medium that visualizes their own expression. The message may please or displease its viewer. The message may confront or passively be passed by without any reaction at all. If the encounter is engaging the viewer will run through a series of critics which will spawn a new thought process or they may even totally dismiss the works without any more thought or pursuit of more understanding. The question is “What does the artist want you to see?” Remember, they may not be talking to you at all but to themselves. It’s very experiential.
Life is experiential. As one boils from anger and then explodes spewing out words of condemnation, we live a life of experiences. Suddenly a Tornado shows up, then two, we are taken back by something so dangerous and out of place! As one experiences and comes face to face with that kind of danger, no one else who has not experienced it for themselves has a real clue what the true experience is or was like.
What is love? What is a true relationship? What is an encounter that is beyond a few moments? Some things were designed to be; other things were not design to deteriorate but because of outside influences deteriorate to the point of extinction. Often we don’t see the talk, the chatter, the outside influence, the negative attitude. Often we don’t see or want to see our own contribution to that deterioration. Often we refuse to change. Often we refuse to even acknowledge our own promises, and assurances. Often we are influenced by those closest to us. We soon forget right or wrong but make choices on feelings and mind-sets.
When a painting grips you and finds its way into your heart’s emotion it causes a reaction. Our society and many individuals haven’t experienced this because of today’s present attitude, today’s pressures and today’s goals and aspirations. Many just “don’t have the time” or “can’t be bothered”.
How many miss out on what was to be because of the struggle, the commitment, the path, the requirement. Viewed as just too great an obstacle to overcome, something too great to be required, too much work to correct, it’s just easier to get on and forget the rest. Suicide often seems to be viewed as a remedy which in reality is no remedy at all.
If you are struggling, if you are not finding the grass greener, love more romantic, passion more rewarding and life more meaningful, maybe you spent too much time on the phone and not enough time on your knees. He’s still there. He still wants His will and His ways to be followed. He also may require more than we think necessary, but in the final answer comes “not my will, but Your will be done!”
What’s your answer? What’s your view?" POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“Sorry I didn’t spend more time engaged hearing all you had to say
Sorry I didn’t spend more time doing things according to your way
Sorry I didn’t see and hear your voice early morning and late at night
Sorry I couldn’t seem to understand what would bring it all to light
Sorry I didn’t listen, trust, and do enough every one of my days
Sorry for not thanking You more for being with me along the way!”
“May paintings move your heart to Him who can help your encounters with life! May He lead you this week in the things you encounter and need to make right. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd