"Do you believe it? Christmas is long gone. Martin Luther King Day is gone. January Sales are over. Please don’t say anything but the snow hasn’t been that bad, especially for you people in the south. It’s almost February.
For most artists January is a time of inventory, reflection and planning. Like the rest of America January also means buying supplies necessary to reload at the best possible prices, all the while continuing to pound the canvas in search of that insatiable quest you are on, perfecting your craft. Of course, that means having and buying the right equipment and the right tools. Knowing what works and what doesn’t, what feels right, and makes you comfortable is very important. But as I’ve said before understanding the laws and rules set in place by the medium can mean the difference between success and failure.
It’s no different to a Christian. I was in a discussion the other day and a woman tried to say that everyone is a child of God; everyone has access to Him and if you are good and not bad you’re just fine. Our discussion seemed to raise the level of heat when I pointed out that Christ came and died on the cross for sinners, all of us. He came to right man’s relationship between God. Because Christ paid man’s penalty completely, man has an opportunity to return to a relationship with God becoming His Child in a personal one on one relationship. It’s available to all, but there are requirements, even though it’s a gift. One must believe in his heart and confess with his mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior. (Romans 10:10) With this, whosoever believes that God gave His only Son would not pay his own penalty but have it paid for him and with that have life eternal with God. (John 3:16)
You can’t make up your own rules or fit them to “make you feel good” or “make you happy”! God has His ways, His rule, and His requirements. You choose at your peril to be disobedient and go your own way. Disobedience is sin and sin even for a Christian has consequences. It is just like the cracks and chipping, the wrong methodology will ruin a poor or great painting because you decided to paint it your way instead of pursuing what is required. The choices you make and your pathway will not lie but ultimately show you the cracks in your attitude and preferences.
For God so love the world, you, He gave His only Son to die to have a relationship with you for both your earthly and eternal life. Choose wisely!" POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“God’s plan may seem simple, but all His ways are right
Often we don’t see and it’s not the fault of our sight
Every day we are to wake to live, following His way
We’ll know by knowing what the Bible has to say
What heartache we suffer; what we put others through
Time to put “self” aside, striving for Holiness in all we do!”
“Painting paintings requires knowledge and understanding of the means and methods proven true over hundreds of thousands of applications. Think and seek Him before your choices affect your heart and your life and those around you. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXII Auld, Ltd
“Choices” BLOG BURST:
"Watching a video on painting a few weeks ago was quite revealing. As you know life is fast paced in a meism and self focused generation who can’t wait for the next tweet. The narrator was doing a self portrait and as he was demonstrating he was talking about young artists not in terms of age, but in terms of experience and expertise. He said it this way, “only after you have mastered the craft and have earned the right can you experiment”.
You’ll need to ponder that statement to really get all it has to say. With all the mistakes I made I’ve thought about it a lot.
We live in an upside down, inside out world that overwhelms us with untruths that we believe completely. Most of the children and adults of this generation are sold out to experimentation before any mastery of any kind, instant gratification. It doesn’t matter what choices we make and what actions we take as long as they make us feel good or we get what we want. We could have made all kinds of promises, statements and displayed exactly what our foundational beliefs were and then throw them away over someone who treats us nice. Our security, our life as well as our eternal beliefs are now wrapped up in money, position, looks and material goods. No thought of tomorrow and certainly no thought of anyone to whom we made commitments before God or man.
We’ve mastered nothing and as a society we have an insatiable appetite for experimenting with everything under the foolish thought that it will not only last, but meet our needs. Not only have we told ourselves that all rights are ours, but we deserve and own them.
If you’re on the wrong side of that, see, have or are experiencing all that that brings to your doorstep each day, to the best of who you are, forget about the past, trust Him for your next breath as well as your future. The Righteous Judge is still on the throne. Think about the truth, as someone reminded me lately, that we don’t know the consequences of all our actions or our choices. Be assured, He who judges each individual is not mocked and He will in His perfect infinite wisdom and timing demand and get whatever He has seen to be the appropriate judgment.”
“Oh God, please forgive me for all I have done
Place it all under the blood of Your dear Son
Give me wisdom and understanding of Your will
Let me walk forth in step with You and let me be still
Show me the path, for its is You who know my way
Then take me home to be with You eternity to stay!”
“Paintings live out the hearts of artists who want to keep them with them all the time, but know they were created for those whose hearts needed what they give. Have a great day!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXII Auld, Ltd
“Pure Gold” BLOG BURST:
"Considered one of the world’s greatest painters; Auguste Renoir was in pursuit of approval. For much of his life he sought the approval of the governing body whose self appointed authority was to judge what was good and what was unacceptable in the painting and art world. He would enter his works continually over his lifetime to win the approval of men, show them in the accepted galleries, and be favored under the glowing criticism of those who made and destroyed artists.
He is known as well in the impressionist camp along with his lifelong friend Claude Monet for their pursuit of light, color, and freedom. Renoir seemingly worked both sides of the known art world. Whether this was for monetary or self recognition we don’t know. His real fame came when he was commission to paint a very well known Parisian business individual’s family member. Many who visit this individual saw Renoir hard at work and as it always goes one rich man tells and other and another and another. From there Renoir never looked back as his fame and fortune grew.
I take nothing away from his God given genius and talent as his work is truly evident of both. What I want you to consider is who gives you life? Who gives you breath? Who do you serve and for what reason?" POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“We toil each day under Adams curse on life
Thistle, thrones, everything causes so much strife
We think we know, we totally understand the way
We think our choices have no consequences to pay
But He gives life more abundant, more full each day
Even if sin and struggle, He’s there to guide in every way!”
“Painting requires talent and talent is a gift that comes with a purpose and a price. God gives each of us talents and gifts. Have you found and are you exercising yours? Have a good week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXII Auld, Ltd
“Dennis Breezes” BLOG BURST:
"Wow! Christmas is over. New Years is over. Even the Clearance Sales are pretty much gone. Politicians are in full voice and some are dropping like flies. Congress is back loading their muskets looking for someone across the aisle. The News is reporting every single bad thing that happened in the biggest and smallest neighborhood in America, let alone the world. School buses are running and people aren’t looking. Whatever the weather is and wherever it is, there is always someone unhappy about it. We’re right back where we were just before “Peace on Earth and good will to men upon whom His favor rests!”
As I had coffee this morning before painting, I was pondering the light coming through the trees. Earlier, I awoke to the light ushering in reds and yellows coming through one of my windows. This week I just so happened to see a documentary on the “Birds of Paradise”; you know those particular birds that people everywhere have suggested fly up your nose. They are the most beautiful birds in the world. They were shown in all their beauty and color, all doing their dances, and showing off. They all were looking to get hooked up. What an unbelievable thing.
We get all wrapped up in stuff and ourselves. All around us is example after example of God, who in His infinite wisdom, created all things for the pleasure of man under a perfect system, His. What have we done is sin and act for ourselves and our own temporal pleasure. No thought for what we are doing, what we have done, and what we teach or confirm to our kids about who we are and what we believe and truth. No thoughts about our actions, deeds or promises. Especially, we have no thoughts about whom we serve and whose we are.
What about you? What about your thoughts and your actions? I know this struck a cord about how far short I have fallen and how great a God we serve. I hope it gives you some thoughts to ponder as well."
“We are so fortunate to have breath each day
All too often we don’t even take time to pray
We run through life concerned about daily stuff
Before we know it, all we had will turn to fluff
What truly matters, what do we really believe
When called to answer will we be ready to leave?”
“Paintings can move our very souls! They can lead us to a place where we see with our hearts eyes and prepare our hearing for the voice that really speaks truth. Take some time. Don’t let yourself get settled in. Remember it’s truly about Him. Have a good week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd
“New Years 2012” BLOG BURST:
"Happy New Year”!! Many say that with the hope of tomorrow. Many say that because they are done with 2011. Many don’t know why they say it at all and give no thought to where they are, what they have done, or what they will be involved with in the future. Where do you stand?
Artists paint with a concept or vision in their mind, a driving force within them to create that visual expression that will satisfy the need to express and create. Most learn from the past and transform their learning into a new or repeated discipline. There is a time and a space where their mind’s vision and their execution don’t exactly line up. All of that seems to be part of the process.
We’ve seen, experienced and gone through the brushstrokes of the past. Some are filled with great high points and some are filled with things we’d soon forget. We don’t know where the future will take us and for many that creates anxiety.
For a true follower of Christ, one who has a personal relationship, understands that it’s about Him and not about you, and living to do His will and not one’s own, there is no fear. God has everything in control. He allows everything in our lives to make us conform to His will and to be used and to grow to what He ultimately has for us both here and in eternity.
For the follower of Christ who has a personal relationship but has decided that they know best and it’s their own will over Christ’s, there may be a lot of apprehension. Some of these individuals have a relationship, but that’s where it stops on their part. Know this, that’s not where it stops on His part.
For those who have no relationship, are following the world and the prince of the power of the air, that dreaded dragon, knowingly or unknowing, life comes and goes. Their pathways will ultimately work to the place that was prepared for their master.
With the New Year, 2012, instead of a resolution, why not some soul searching?”
“We think we know; when we have no real clue at all
We speak, act and live never thinking we could fall
We worry so or we fret over this or over that
Sometimes we end up on our feet; sometimes we end up flat
We make choices for us and do everything to conform
Forgetting that through peace with Christ should be our norm
Seek Him first, honor and glorify the living Christ who gave you life
This year thank God and ask Him to make you more like Christ!”
“Paintings lift our spirits and help us take time to see. Looking at life and who we really are can make a difference in the brushstrokes that lie before us. Follow the Master for yourself in 2012 let Him paint your way.”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd