"Well, well, well, we’re at the day after Christmas. Do you believe that? Still reeling from family, friends, loved one, presents, gifts, travel, food, conversation, one up-man ship, meism, stories, control, volume, over indulgences, heartfelt moments, tear jerking emotions, missing loved ones, family absences and a whole lot more?
Did you have any time to ponder why you’re here? What’s the truth about life? Where are we all going? Are we all going? Have you thought about your own being and significance, your worth, your meaning, your involvement, your direction?
Too often this time of year depresses us about a lot of stuff.
Take heart! Get out of those negative things that pull you down. Here’s something to contemplate. Over six to nine thousand or some number of years ago God created and walked and talked with man.
Think about that! What about you? Did you know He wants to talk with you and have a personal friendship relationship? Did you know He wants to guide you and give you insight? Did you know He wants to help you correct all that you’ve messed up and bring you back to a right relationship with Him!
How’s that for a New Year’s resolution? This year 2011, I want to have a friendship relationship with the Creator of the Universe. I want to talk with Him every day. I want to get straighten out and do His will and in doing so I know I will be blessed above all expectation.
It’s time to consider your New Year’s Resolutions. Choose wisely!" POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“People will surprise you and desert you in a heart beat
Husband, wife, child, friend, family or even those you meet
Really doesn’t matter, its life and what we do to each other
We talk a lot, show a lot, give a lot but we can’t really bother
There is one who will never leave and be there always for you
Never forsake, throw you away, but always bring you through!”
“The most valuable paintings last a lifetime, but find out what lasts forever. Happy New Year to you and yours; may you resolve to seek that which you should. Talk with you again soon!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd
What Child BLOG BURST:
" Oh No, what is it you forgot?
Who did I get presents for and who have I not taken care of yet? To whom have I sent email cards to and to whom haven’t I? Who did I send the annual report to and who did I forget? What did I buy for Christmas Dinner and what did I forget? What did I buy for a welcoming gift and what did I forget. What do I need to get done before I travel and what did I forget? What do I need to do before Saturday and what am I forgetting? What do I have to finish and what am I forgetting? On and on and on it goes!
I just don’t have time to even think about all that stuff!
“Wait, Hold On!!” Take a deep breath and be still. Know that this is Christmas, that it is coming soon. Be caring, be patient, be kind, be respectful, be honest and be thankful. Be especially thankful to God Almighty who gave you life and allows you to live and breathe. Reflect on all that He has done for you and how He has prepared a way because of Christmas to have a relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus, The Christ. Be aware of His gift to you, eternal life through His Son, that little child of Bethlehem.
If you know Him and you’ve strayed from the path, made your own choices and know they are just not right, you can make things right. Go talk with Him. If you don’t know Him, ask Him to meet you personally this year during this time, Christmas." POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“We all seem to start life in much the same way
All kinds of hopes and dreams and a lot to say
Then life and the world comes knocking at the door
Things we’ve said, choices made, turn out pretty poor
Take heart and know He’s waiting there for you
To Talk and show you exactly what to do!”
“Great paintings deliver great messages especially during special times. May you have a wonderful week and an exceptional Saturday, Dec. 25th!! May God bless you and yours!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd
AmidstTheConfusion BLOG BURST:
"Are “You” listening?
Fourteen more days and we don’t even know what we’re doing. Shop till you drop. It’s on sale here. You can find it there, for only. Sorry we’re out of stock. Still got it but the discount doesn’t apply. Glad you can make it. Would you mind bringing a side dish? So what does she want? What size is that? NO I just can’t make it! She spent her whole life helping people. Her son died her husband cheated and had a child with another women and she died of breast cancer. 200 million dollars to fly around the world to get more jobs with all kinds of hope and you come home with nothing. I have always said that I don’t believe in divorce, but I guess that doesn’t apply. Another young man dead in a foreign country that really doesn’t’ want us there. Every person in the United States owes 50,000 dollars for the deficit. It’s your anniversary. I must be right just look at how I present myself to the world on my “facebook” page.
Over some 2000 and 14 days ago; “And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased." Luke 2:13,14
Is there to much noise today that you miss the message? Have you decided you know more than God? Did you dishonor God by listening to friends and family over His Word? Have you led your children astray by your example? Have you done wrong to your family? Have you thrown out your first love for the love of self and the world? Is the message of the world along with the music you’re dancing to true to His purpose? Have you sold out to materialism and self? Is money and false security what you long for? Is there no real peace? Is He pleased with what you’ve done?
14 days and just maybe for a few brief moments you’ll reflect, look in the mirror, search His word for more than two minutes and ask Him to restore your heart to where it should be." POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“Fourteen days of hustle, hassle, and hoopla going on now
Too loud the noise, too fast the pace, can’t even feel the wow
A closer look around gives a way to really see the flaws
Way too much noise; with just no freedom from life’s claws
Everything spilling over, always on edge, too much strife
Too many family Influences, that weren’t to be part of life
What happened to the love we all had from yester year
We’ve been taught so well but suddenly lose it to the fear
Worried about all the stuff; he, she, this and all the weave
Don’t see materialism and money is false, can’t conceive
Listen to the Lord the Almighty and what He has to say
He pardons your offenses and gives you a brand new day
Opens doors to show so you can testify to what is right
Holds your hand and comforts you through the night
Don’t choose that other way, selling out instead
Come back to Him and listen carefully to what was said!”
“Take time to listen to the paintings and be at peace this week. Have a great one. Talk with you soon!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd
TheLightsComesBLOG BURST:
"We’re living in a dark, dark world and it seems that the darkness is taking us over. Just like paintings that need light to be seen and be appreciated and make a difference. We need that light as well. Ever try to look at a painting in the dark? That’s not happening. Turn the light on and you’ve got a whole new story. Ever notice how different things are in the light? Ever notice when the light’s on there is no darkness.
Each day with people out of work, children suffering, murder, rape, abuse, hunger, homelessness, sickness, tragedy, natural disaster, relationship issues, marital divorce, government officials being investigated, corruption, pollution, and on and on, darkness is in the news and overwhelming us. People are negative and not positive. People have lost hope.
In a world where this is the norm, there are those who have hope! There are those who know the truth. There are those who no matter what others do to them; what they call them, how they injure them or how they desert them, they live above this. They know the light, live in the light and their hope is that eternal light.
Even these have times when they ask the world or the darkness about direction and input. While they don’t even see the darkness in what they are doing, they make choices that will affect them and their children for a lifetime. In that momentary weakness they poll the darkness instead of coming to the light and before you know it their light has dimmed.
If you want the light, ask to find the light. If you want the light to lead and guide you don’t ask the darkness. If you want to return to the light because the darkness has changed you, seek the light with all your heart.
The “Light” is here and He came over 2000 years ago. It’s December. Let us remember why this month is really special … “I am the light of the world!" POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“There are none so blind as those who cannot see
Living a life where people’s judgment makes you free
Yet you’ve taken the position of the world as fact
Claimed it as your own, now there’s no turning back
You’ve not fed your eyes with the truth reality told
The consequences come for those of yours young and old!”
“Paintings light up the hearts and souls of men, motivating them throughout life. Find great paintings that move you. Enjoy your week and remember, the Light will keep you from darkness!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd
RoadLessTraveledBLOG BURST:
"Ya… Yes! We’re almost through that fabulous time that makes us thankful. No I’m not talking about Thanksgiving. I’m talking about Black Friday that’s really Black Long Weekend. Once again we’ve traded what our forefathers thought was a good idea for a merchandising extravaganza. Who needs time to reflect, be with friends and family, and remember special occasions, days when vows were swapped creating eternal bonds? All that is a thing of the past! It’s I want to feel good and get on with my life. And of course feeling good means consuming everything the world lays up and lays out as truth.
If you bought paintings to fill up empty walls or match pillows your just part of the greed and meism generation. You could have emptied the garage and probably fed ten to a hundred starving children. I know it’s what will the neighbors think and who would have seen me do that.
So find a painting that means something to you that speaks to your heart and that you won’t just throw away because you’ve had a change of life or someone’s not meeting your needs the way you think they should.
Those treasures are priceless treasures through thick, thin, fat or slim or whatever you think you are going through." POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“Thought I’d be with you till the end
Questions now arise that you saw me as a friend
Changes here and there when money was more not less
But that wasn’t good enough, just added to distress
So you bought a new one and replaced my space
A new painting on the wall, it’s really a disgrace!”
“Paintings can be reminders of what you are truly thankful for, or may keep you focused on the path less traveled, away from worldly choices. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd
PurpleGreenCentersBLOG BURST:
"There is so much to say; I could talk about spending 200 million dollars to take a trip that had no results. I could talk about a slap in the face one week and it not meaning anything the next. I could talk about positioning one party against the other. I could talk about how the pension for the congress has gone from somewhere in the thirty thousand range to a sixty thousand dollar figure in three and a half years while the seniors in this country have gotten almost nothing in any increase in social security. I could talk about having a pension for life when you put in only two to four years of having just about everything for free. I could talk about a huge percentage of people in this country who no longer believe in marriage and the majority of the others believe it’s OK to just chuck your vows and look for greener grass, after all most of America doesn’t even believe in God any more. I could talk about how professional athletes go around and want your money while we have a million and a half homeless kids living on the streets. You don’t find them solving the problem, just like Hollywood, all they do about it is use their celebrity position.
We’re so much like Rome and we’re so blind to the coming events it is unreal. We have kids who have no respect wanting to be patted on the heads rather than be disciplined and actually learn something. This happens as China teaches two year olds how to speak English. We can’t even speak English or that other second language that we’ve spent billions on to accommodate millions of illegal aliens.
All that mess and more come to our doorsteps against a backdrop of honing a skill which meant something and gave something to every human being. This week the Museum of Fine Arts In Boston opened up a fantastic new wing. The project has taken ten years and guess what, came in on budget. I guess no politician ran the construction. The people say they want people to get involved and look at what we have done. Where we have been and how we have transitioned. I shudder to think what if we were to put something together ten years from now.
Through it all paintings and created works of beauty can still stop us and make us reflect, give us memories, motivate us to doing more, and get us away from our own self interest and choices which are only about us.
It is Thanksgiving week. It’s time to be thankful to God for keeping us and our country free, in spite of how we have treated Him and each other." POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“The world we live in is truly in a messy way
The stench of politics and self leads each day
We’ve shown our children what we think is OK
And someday real soon the bill is to be paid
You won’t recognize your part in another’s life
You had no feeling and you caused no strife!”
“Paintings are visual expressions in which artists want you to participate. Don’t miss the truth that stands before you. It’s never too late to make it right for Him. Have a great week and remember we still have a lot to be thankful for!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd
BoatInCapeRiverBLOG BURST:
"What is it that you look at? Is it the parts of the human anatomy that ring loud and clear in your human mind filled with desires and imaginary pleasures? Is it a movie of a certain genre that fills your imitation with faraway places, people, things, fantasies or alike? Is it sports or favorite teams or events that you’ve chosen to be a part of? Is it that little baby’s face that you would do almost anything for or that special someone you gave or want to give yourself to? Is it TV with its constant babble about the next big thing and its constant commercials?
You ever thought about how your eyes are connected? I’m not talking about the glue and strings that hold them in their sockets. I’m talking about how they are connected to your brain; your heart, your soul, and the rest of that mechanical paraphernalia that lets you open the door instead of running into it.
When you look around and focus because a lot of people do a lot of looking without seeing, do you really see? Do you see what God has created for your pleasure? Do you see how many people care for you? Do you see those who support you? Do you take time to look and see? When was the last time you woke up early to see the sunrise or went somewhere special to see the sun set. When was the last time you took someone you truly care about with you?
Art and paintings are a great place to learn how to look, how to see. They teach you that what you think you see may not in fact be what you are seeing. They teach you that sometimes when you connect with them they can transmit volumes to your heart or your very soul. They can bring you to tears and buckle your knees. Though these occurrences may be rare for some, especially those who cannot see, it is something that everyone who can spend a little time and a little effort in focusing, engaging, and really looking can experience and enjoy.
Try this week and see what you can see; focus and take your time when you do." POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“Sometimes when we look, we look real close
Sometimes we were self consumed as we boast
Sometimes we make choices that are daunting
Sometimes our choices leave us wanting
Sometimes we’ve violated God’s way
Sometimes we’ve got just too much to say!”
“Great paintings remind you everyday of what’s truly important! They can mark your life. When you find such a pearl of great worth acquire it. Have a wonderful and productive week.”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd

"Color Along The Tracks”Size: 18" X 24" Giclee' on Canvas Hand Embellished by the Artist; Certified & Limited From "The New Impressionistic Collection". - Click HERE - Find the ENLARGED paintings with details, pricing, shipping and more as well as my comments on the paintings.
"Pictures and paintings from across our beautiful land have been seen on every television station as people are confronted with the colors of the fall.
Those beautiful colors of autumn gave way this week to some other dominant colors. The colors of politics, politicians, spin doctors and map makers who all took part in voting some out and voting some in. The President said he took a shellacking. The new Speaker of the House said the people have spoken. Here in Massachusetts the only color they really know, except for a brief moment of “Brown” which has gone to Washington to fight for those old tea party believers, is blue. Many of her citizens have been blue since Brown got elected to throw chaos into the Health Care bill, stop business as usual, help turn the economy, and bring in the tea without more taxes.
The map makers with map colors were very busy identifying which states were blue and which were red. I guess some were even blue about what they read the morning after the elections. Most that were red were not embarrassed by what had happened.
Most artists don’t have time, though some are politically active and still paint in protest. But, they all see and paint in color, except those who paint in black and white.
I hope you get some time this coming week to take a deep breath and realize how far we have come away from our founding fathers. How they protested and how they gave their very lives for our freedom. It’s pretty sad to think that most would not even have been able to run for office today because of their belief, but that’s another Blog Burst.
We’ll talk more of this soon…" POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“Today we manipulate what we want for us
If we don’t get it we go to court and make a fuss
We put laws on the books for strange things we say
Like go to jail if you spank your child in any way
Our words are all what the world wants as correct
Even if we promised and the vows weren’t kept.”
“Look closely at the colors of paintings and hear their message to your heart. Hope you have a great week and look beyond the taxing of the tea.”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd
"I rose early and headed to one of my favorite spots for the sunrise. Every time it is beautiful in a whole new way, at least to some of us.
As I parked and looked all around as usual, the first of the visitors, human, arrived. He popped out of his little SUV and gathered all his camera paraphernalia for the expectant observance. Back and forth he arranged himself between benches finally taking a position on his knees. He draped something over the bench where he could take that shot of a lifetime. Not at all settled he went back and forth for coffee, a parka, a blanket, a magazine and of course a stroll here and there to see if one better position was available.
Next came the second observer with his binoculars inspecting every inch of land and sea as far as his head would move in either direction. Coffee sipping and radio at a good blast he sat comfortably in the driver seat with the motor on and I believe the heat blasting.
Somewhere in between stopped a young woman who opened the car door took a picture and drove away.
After that, the dance started to unfold with reds against the darkness of night. A fairly solid ribbon of clouds stood atop the horizon line. They gave way to the sky which had a few brushstrokes of cloud cover whisking their way as they traveled through the scene. As the intensity of the coming drama clarified, those brushstrokes turned them from grays to magenta. The smaller strokes that guarded the suns entrance door intensified with a mixture of yellow and white. The sky played in by turning into a powerful cyan backdrop.
I opened the window and said to the binocular guy, “Wow is that beautiful!” To which he answered, “Well, I come here every day.” I retorted, “And it’s beautiful and new each day it takes place” and then I rolled the window up.
The drama and the colors kept up their performance as all colors and changes intensified.
I guess at that point, the guy with the camera had enough as he packed all his gear and left. I wanted to yell at him and say,” Hey wait a minute; you’re going to miss the best part”. I let him go as he wouldn’t have ever heard me over the binocular guy’s motor and radio.
And then, the tops of that ribbon sitting on the horizon at the entry to the coming sun seemed to have been lit on fire as the sun outlined those clouds. That outline exaggerated itself down the entire face of each cloud as the hot spot of eye weakening sun started to peak through. As the sun formed a circle and dominated every aspect of the scene as far as the eye could see, it was time to retreat or have your pupils burned out of your head.
Binocular man left, probably seeing just another sunrise, ho hum.
And me, well I tried to drive away with those spots of light planted in front of my eyes from what I had just experienced. I couldn’t help but think how blessed I was to see that magnificent reminder of our Creator’s hand as well as those observations of the human race.
Some look and see. Some look and don’t see. Some know what’s going on and some don’t. Some try every sort of position and manipulation to get something that may or may not be valuable. Some buy everything and then end up missing the best part. Some stop by for a look and some for a quick shot. Some ride by never even seeing what’s around them. Some stop by, don’t have a clue why and think everyday it’s the same. Some even get their pupils burned.
If you get a chance look, see, stare, gaze, ponder and reflect, and then thank God for everything in which He allowed you to participate." POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“Hello, are we there yet, you’ve heard it before
Stop, smell the roses, look out from every door
Stay the course; fight for what you vowed to do
Look at life; look at people; look at things anew
Observe life and all those who really live each day
Be thankful for all things and all who come your way!”
“Great paintings remind you everyday of what’s truly important! They can mark your life. When you find such a pearl of great worth acquire it. Have a wonderful and productive week.”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd

"ParentCare"Size: 12" X 16" Giclee' on Canvas Hand Embellished by the Artist; Certified & Limited From "The Swans Of The Cape Collection". - Click HERE - Find the ENLARGED paintings with details, pricing, shipping and more as well as my comments on the paintings.
"We’ve taught them how to cry, how to whine, and how to get their way. We’ve praised them and patted them till they believe no one is as good as them. We’ve given them everything they wanted.
What we forgot was to give them what they needed.
All of this has led to a massive breakdown of truth, value, family, caring and sacrifice for worth. It has led to massive crime and gang build up, cocaine in high schools and junior high, total disrespect for any adult, a tidal wave of meism, self gratification, incomparable greed, and a throwaway society.
The teaching of art has been replaced by playtime with paints, the coddling of every individual, the praise of the ungifted and the practice of the worthless. It’s no wonder pillows are more important than paintings.
Criticism and critiquing for improvement cause an uproar because it introduces and goes against ones self-esteem. Pushing someone to improve and do better is frown upon because they may feel bad or be looked at by someone else.
We can’t even wake up and smell the roses because the thorns have replaced the petals. Is anyone listening? Well, take the phones out of your ears, stop texting and playing your favorite perverted video all while you are driving and think about it. Everybody wants more for less. You know what? We are really getting it!" POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“Doesn’t take much to break things down and apart
Simple consistent falsities will truly break the heart
Allowing the truth to decay and be thrown out
Leads to unrealistic thinking and permeates doubt
Choices false and selfish show others the wrong way
And when the hammer drops many have to pay!”
“Great paintings find a way to our heart and remind us of the importance of truth. Find one that keeps your heat pointed in the right direction. Have a wonderful week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd

"HaveLifeSee”Size: 18" X 28" Giclee' on Canvas Hand Embellished by the Artist; Certified & Limited From "The Abstract Collection". - Click HERE - Find the ENLARGED paintings with details, pricing, shipping and more as well as my comments on the paintings.
"Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house …wait it’s not that night. It’s today in a week full of stuff that has just gone by and you haven’t had time to think, stop, let alone recall all that went on. Will you take that time? Will you make the effort to process what has taken place? Will you throw some of that stuff in the garbage or file some of those things to be added to your being and who you are?
The world and most of us had a glimpse of those men coming out of a rock grave alive after just about every human ounce of creativity went into constructing a safety, rescue net. Did you see their faces, see the emotion see the family reunions, see the national spirit, see the relief?
Did you hear of the outburst on the view and the rankling? We’re you in agreement or disagreement with what was said, how it was said, or who it was said by?
Did you have a personal event that was unique, monumental, insightful, or life changing? Did your fear, anger, remorse, or satisfaction spill out from within you to make you think about, act on, or fulfill something with or for someone?
Do you do all or any of these things like it was the night before Christmas, with a pure heart, a forgiving spirit and an honesty you haven’t seen in yourself before, or for a long time?
Pretty interesting isn’t it, how many filters we have or we put in place to process communication, thoughts, feelings, emotions, circumstances and situations.
Like great paintings, especially great abstract paintings, when we engross ourselves in them, they allow us to get a mind cleaning experience, a clear look, a comprehensible or clearer vision of ourselves. Make that jump, experience that process for yourself.
We’ll speak more of these things in the future…" POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“Life would be more understandable if we had a book
Truth, we do you know if you would only look
The words don’t give you footsteps from “a” to “z”
It gives you insights to what is and what will come to be
We all need to stop, turn around, and find the right way
Don’t wait too long or there will be nothing more to say!”
“Paintings add to the clarity of focus and the decisions of the mind if you allow them to speak their messages to your heart! Hope you have a chance to engage with some this week. Have a good one!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd
"The almost annual quick truck to Maine produced a couple of days of high interest. From driving in nonstop rain, library internet, scouting the sites to find a few vintage pic to paint from and of course a couple of succulent lobsters.
I couldn’t help but see the high drama between people, places and things as well as God’s ever changing painted landscapes that He placed before me. The Master Artist having stroked His fantastically created panorama which feeds the soul. It causes one to stop and think and be overwhelmed by visual beauty, clarity of focus and color beyond belief.
Here there are people being fed by the economics of the seas and the services that needs of others create. There are visitors from distant states and lands all living and moving through the motions of life. From quaint, charm filled shops to the stacks of lobster traps all placed from ruff and gulling lives of the fishermen, it is all happening all around you. People are involved with politics, family, tragedy, crime, school, government, recreation, enjoyment, nature, and on and on as life carries forth.
There is a charm and purity even in the air you breathe. Oh, yes there is all the small town gossip, the stories of choices, cheating and connivances, but there is also a freshness and hope that isn’t evident in the hustle and hassle that’s in city life.
For me it’s a time to reflect, see a different time, hear the history once more, and be overwhelmed by how good God has been and how good He will be tomorrow.
We’ll talk more of this soon…" POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“The landscapes of life are always changing each day
Caused by natural events and others who will pay
Living in a rush-around world, not for any other
Soon life will pass and you’ll have lost a brother
Take time to ponder to reflect and to look and see
Find a painting or nature itself and live more, free!”
“Paintings add to life, our health and well being as they depict the awesome creations from which they come. Find and spend time with beauty that adds volumes to your life. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd

"CamdenFromMtBattie"Size: 12" X 16" Giclee' on Canvas Hand Embellished by the Artist; Certified & Limited From "The Fall Maine Collection". - Click HERE - Find the ENLARGED paintings with details, pricing, shipping and more as well as my comments on the paintings.
"He said of God: “His invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made.”—Romans 1:20
It also says: “For the Lord gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. – Proverbs 2:6
Unfortunately we forget His rules and what He has said. We throw them away for our own interpretations; after all there are no consequences for thrown away promises, especially to God.
Most people assume that the most reliable evidence of all is that based upon personal experience. When an idea becomes "fixed" in our subconscious, influenced by the world and those worldly around us, we automatically make decisions that move us toward it.
So often we don’t look at what happens as a result of our choices. We just pass it off as what comes naturally. The beauty of nature, the wonders of the sky and seas, the elements - food, fish and game are all on the road to destruction, because one person thought that their choice was better for them than God’s choice.
During this special time of the year, stop and carefully look at the beauty of the fall colors both directly and in beautiful paintings that remind one of just how much we aren’t in control and that it is not all about us or our feelings.
We’ll talk more about these things later…." POETIC PONTIFICATION:
"Saw what you posted for the world to see
So you took the high road; stood tall and free
Pretty sad you don’t even see what’s done
Look close at those around you living for one
You can take what you said and throw it away
You haven’t even listened to the words you say!"
"Find great paintings and let the messages of the seasons add all kinds of color to your life. Have a great week and stay well and don’t forget to look close! Oh, please leave me a comment as well."
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd

"ThePurpleRoll"Size: 12" X 16" Giclee' on Canvas Hand Embellished by the Artist; Certified & Limited From "The Beautiful Cape Collection". - Click HERE - Find the ENLARGED paintings with details, pricing, shipping and more as well as my comments on the paintings.
"Magnificent moments of color dance in patterns of light. The glance is in less than a twinkling of the eye as the ocean constantly bursts into another form never to be exactly captured as it was. The surrounding sounds, the wind sweeping across one’s face are all elements of a backdrop of complexity that you gaze through. The stillness or the rage, the changing of moods and direction, the apprehension of the unknown is exposed the more you involve yourself. The untamed rage and unclaimed beauty of the ocean is ever changing. It always allows the heart and mind to wander freely in one’s head without a grasp of negative thoughts until they are directed to do so.
Captured ocean paintings give us that glimpse. They allow recall of events, circumstances and human interaction of all kinds. This interface crosses all boundaries. Like the ocean, ocean paintings may represent and communicate the permanence of “what was, what is, and what might be”. They can, similar to the ocean, carve, contour, shatter, and shake the answers of the questions about one’s life.
As the world’s wisest man once said, “Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment including the hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
We’ll speak more on these things in the future…" POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“The rapid pace of life and days all go too fast
Never an instant replay, memory is what lasts
Thoughts and dreams soon run out of time
As the power of human actions overrun the mind
But who knows what is counted as it fades
All coming from choices chosen or choices made!”
“Find beautiful paintings that bring wellsprings of life and feed yourself on the positives we need. May you have a wonderful week! Talk again soon.”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd

"HarringtonsCoveImpression”Size: 12" X 16" Giclee' on Canvas Hand Embellished by the Artist; Certified & Limited From "The Fall Maine Collection". - Click HERE - Find the ENLARGED paintings with details, pricing, shipping and more as well as my comments on the paintings.
" The awareness that we live in a time of pedaling bicycles in the midst of expressway traffic has been driven home of late. We’re getting further away from our foundational routes and we’re serving up children who haven’t been trained, don’t have a clue and are being prepared to join a mindless ever numbing society. It’s “all good” though, right?
BMW retools its manufacturing and implements all kinds of unique human help systems to allow older adults to work the line. What happens in this unique experiment is that productivity, attendance, quality, workmanship and myriad of other benefits to the company go through the roof.
Of course machines will take over. You don’t think humans will do the work do you? We are suffering over lawyered legislation, over taxation, unprecedented greed, moral decay which have all led to the overwhelming necessity of jobs for both partners. Church exodus, tolerance of decayed values and living one way and telling our children we don’t approve yet condoning everything they do. We don’t have time or worse don’t even have the mindset to care. We’re losing or we have totally lost our way.
“Train up a child in the way they should go and they will not depart from it” … The real question is how have we trained them and continue to train them.
Artists and especially art teachers have taken the easy road, accepted that self focused position that it’s about their work and scrapped the foundational training of great creativity and thinking for torn, paint laden shirts and the smell of turpentine.
Wake up before the only great paintings we have are done by dead painters." POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“So easy to pick up and go another way
Forgetting the rules of the game and how to play
Doesn’t matter; doesn’t suit the way you feel
Carry on till something else catches your appeal
Didn’t matter who you damaged or what you do
Only thing that matters is it’s about you!”
“If you find a painting that captures your heart, give your heart to it. Priceless is the value of the relationship when true love is its foundation. Don’t throw it away. Have a great week!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd

"BoatInReedsAtLowTide”Size: 18" X 24" Giclee' on Canvas Hand Embellished by the Artist; Certified & Limited From "The Fall Maine Collection". - Click HERE - Find the ENLARGED paintings with details, pricing, shipping and more as well as my comments on the paintings.
"Do the birds sing out of tune and are you staying with your loneliness? As September breaks forth the fall and fall leads to winter, we are about to embark on one of the most beautiful times of the year, especially if you happened to be in New England. “Hello Color and Beauty!”
Over the next three to five weeks we will be in for one of the most spectacular shows in the world and it’s all free. Yes, it could cost some gas and lodging and meals, but aside from that the richness of this year’s color should be magnificent. The trees will go through some confusing metamorphosis and the leaves will die as the green of yesterday brings forth the colors of tomorrow and then the brown and grays of death and decay set in.
“7Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” 1 John 4:7-10
Go see the show and in it see how wonderful, amazing, spectacular, beautiful, awesome and wonderful God is in His love for us to bring forth this marvelous time of the year. Capture it in picture, see it in paintings and enjoy it and all its reminders each and every day!
We’ll talk more soon……" POETIC PONTIFICATION:
“We wonder why we can’t see and it’s so dark
Too often we’ve taken vows as lightly as a lark
Breathe deep the measure of God’s grace
Look closely at His creations in this place
Open your heart to Him in all you do
For He is waiting to show His love for you!”
“Paintings that bring forth the spectacular colors of the season color you with positives. See them and experience them for yourself. Have a wonderful week and take good care!”
"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"
Douglas Auld
Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd