Sunday, October 10, 2010

Oct 10th “Three Tens”

"The almost annual quick truck to Maine produced a couple of days of high interest. From driving in nonstop rain, library internet, scouting the sites to find a few vintage pic to paint from and of course a couple of succulent lobsters.

I couldn’t help but see the high drama between people, places and things as well as God’s ever changing painted landscapes that He placed before me. The Master Artist having stroked His fantastically created panorama which feeds the soul. It causes one to stop and think and be overwhelmed by visual beauty, clarity of focus and color beyond belief.

Here there are people being fed by the economics of the seas and the services that needs of others create. There are visitors from distant states and lands all living and moving through the motions of life. From quaint, charm filled shops to the stacks of lobster traps all placed from ruff and gulling lives of the fishermen, it is all happening all around you. People are involved with politics, family, tragedy, crime, school, government, recreation, enjoyment, nature, and on and on as life carries forth.

There is a charm and purity even in the air you breathe. Oh, yes there is all the small town gossip, the stories of choices, cheating and connivances, but there is also a freshness and hope that isn’t evident in the hustle and hassle that’s in city life.

For me it’s a time to reflect, see a different time, hear the history once more, and be overwhelmed by how good God has been and how good He will be tomorrow.

We’ll talk more of this soon…"

“The landscapes of life are always changing each day
Caused by natural events and others who will pay
Living in a rush-around world, not for any other
Soon life will pass and you’ll have lost a brother
Take time to ponder to reflect and to look and see
Find a painting or nature itself and live more, free!”

“Paintings add to life, our health and well being as they depict the awesome creations from which they come. Find and spend time with beauty that adds volumes to your life. Have a great week!”

"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"

Douglas Auld

Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd

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