Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jan.24th “Created to Live Without Words”

Size: 18" X 28" Giclee' on Canvas Hand Embellished by Artist; Certified & Limited From "The Girl At The Beach Collection". - Click HERE - Find the ENLARGED paintings with details, pricing, shipping and more as well as my comments on the paintings.

"I never realized the affect that negative thoughts had on a person. The fear, the apprehension, the anxiety, the changes in relationship, and the breakdown of values are contributing heavily to health issues. The need of conforming to those around you who find themselves within groups who are negatively dealing with the stresses and strains of human existence in today’s society is like a virus. Crowded places, rising costs, undisciplined unsatisfied children, healthcare woes and much more, all making the culture pay prices far beyond reason, let alone the checkbook.

Yet in the midst of this onslaught are many thousands of artists who are engaging in creative expressions never before thought possible. Many of these artists are creating works that speak volumes of positive messages to the hearts and souls of society. Many create natural hideaways and relaxing oasis in the midst of the heavy noise of the day.

Paintings are unique in their relationship and standing within their positioned environment. They are meant to be placed at eyes view, on viewing walls, enhanced by artful embellishing frames. They are created to be looked at often, daily or hourly. They are to be cared for and they are to nurture you. They get better each and every day. They help you cope, remind you of places, give you memories of people and offer positives that combat negativism and its effects on your health.

Find great paintings or may they find you! If you do you’ll find they are priceless."

“The stress, the strain, the constant negative wave,
Everyone saying it’s today; it’s what we have paved
No way, life has hope; not the mess dumped on you
Look around don’t allow the stress to burn on through
Find a great painting, one that reminds you of the good
Let the painting sink into your being the way it truly should!”

“Find out for yourself what engaging paintings can do for you. Stay positive and have a great week!”

"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"

Douglas Auld

Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd

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