Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 15th “Reminders, Relationships, Responsibilities”

“What Would You Say”

" The painting above depicts the intensity of kneeling before Him. While a painting can never deliver that true, pure understanding of being nothing before the Holy Awesome God, the visual thought can be overwhelming. Read Isaiah’s Commission in Isaiah 6: “Woe to me! I am ruined!” Read John’s account of Jesus in Revelation 1:12-17: “”When I saw him, I fell at His feet as though dead.” The true account for an individual can be an encounter through an intense intimate relationship with the Lord or as Paul met the Lord on the road to Damascus in Acts 26:12.

This is so far away from today and yesterday’s news and yet there is a close tie. Let me begin.

Forget Bin-What’s His Name, old news. The new news is Arnold and Maria’s separation. As the “world bus” travels toward the book of Revelation fulfilling itself, there will be marriage and the giving of marriage. As we all know right there at the top of the mountain is “divorce” and what leads to divorce is separation.

The website "" states: “God hates divorce! It is only because of sinful pride and selfishness that people end up divorced in the first place.” On their site they state some of the reasons why it is a sin: 1. Marriage vows; 2. God said not to; 3. Divorce is quitting; 4. Divorce is an unwillingness to forgive. They continue by saying “it is only because of sinful pride and selfishness that people end up divorced in the first place.

One thing that is perfectly clear is in God’s infallible Word it is stated, “God hates divorce!” Malachi 2:16

The world doesn’t fear God. Today, most Christians have no fear of God. Most Christians don’t have an intimate relationship with God. We Christians just go about doing what makes us feel good, no more discipline, and no consequences. It’s all about self. Being undone, ruined, falling to the ground as dead, being overcome by fear, what’s all that about? We look for feel good books and videos and answers we want for our questions. God’s wrath has been replaced by some superficial way of looking at forgiveness and love with no consequence. We’ve forgotten that the wages of sin are death and some things are going to die. Christians may ask and receive forgiveness but consequences of many of their actions and the payments for sins are still due.

God’s wrath is real! God’s rule is unflappable! God’s way unchangeable! You are not the Master. And if you have accepted Christ as Savior and received payment for your sins through God’s overwhelming grace and love which is the only thing you need, then you now have life. Your life over death! What is it that makes you think “happily ever after” is dictated by you, your feelings, your family, and your divorced worldly friends? You didn’t love enough, care enough, commit enough and now your children will become products of that same divorce sin you brought about! You’ve shone them that the world’s answer is correct, adultery is normal, family is only the one you were born to not the one you were supposed to build together, and that you were not bought with the highest price by God to be used for His honor and His glory. Beware! God is not mocked!

While there is always more than one story and more than one participant that contributes to the state of separation, the one who files the papers for divorce is the guilty party. But God will judge each according to the truth. God wants reconciliation. It is not too late unless you have entered into a matrimonial state, even if you have already committed adultery. Humble yourself and seek God with all you have and ask Him for forgiveness! Seek reconciliation and forgiveness from your spouse, and ask God to heal both of you and put your marriage back together. Honor Him! Only God can do this. He will if your heart is right. If your heart is not right, the truth will haunt you and His consequences will find you for the rest of your earthly life.

We can and will see them all, the “govenators”, the commentators, the actors, millionaires, the common and uncommon folk of the world and the Christians, all who chose to follow Satan’s lies.

We may be privileged to see and encounter Christians who have come out of this and are a true testimony to the living all-powerful God. On "The Blessed Life" with Pastor Robert Morris, you can find a great example of this. "Katie and Josh Hamilton" "What Saves You" May 5 - The One Thing Series.

“Look carefully around you and see the world turning upside down.
Hear the cries, screaming voices, tears and faces with the frowns.
People say it’s “Mother Nature”; they don’t want to face the facts
Christ is coming, God is about to pour out His wrath; people must act
Almighty, All-powerful, Sovereign God is the only Truth and in control
Your pride, your self confidence, all your secures will completely fold
Please get your heart right; get your life right before the story is told!”

“Paintings remind us of great truths and foundational principals, but actions and selflessness are required to take those reminders past our hurt, pride and emotions. “Behold I stand at the door and knock!” Take the action necessary. Have a great week!”

"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"

Douglas Auld

Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd

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