Sunday, December 25, 2011

Dec.25th “The Real Christmas”

“The Christmas Gift For You”

"Story upon story, carol upon carol, gift upon gift, shopping upon shopping and so it goes. We love to look forward to so many things going on and the traditions that the season brings: Happy times, happy memories, all with a euphoric state of mind.

We don’t really look deeply into the depth of the day, the time, or the season. This past week I had a brief conversation with the wife of a friend, a brilliant man, who has seen and is still experiencing many days of pressure and anxiety that only Job seemed to have faced. When I asked her what she was getting him for Christmas, she said that a few years ago they talked about changing and instead of exchanging gifts and adding more stuff to their life’s collection they would adopt a Salvation Army Family for Christmas. This provided food and presents to make a truly needy family’s Christmas memorable. I was so taken back by what she was saying because I know just how little they actually have and how much of a struggle this wonderful couple has gone through. She’s stuck by her husband through thick and thin. She didn’t just throw him away for her own self interest. What a testimony, what treasures in Heaven!

I wanted to display pictorially the real Christmas so I worked the above painting together to visually demonstrate the true meaning and wonder of Christmas. God in His awesome wisdom and grace provides Himself for the sins of Adam and Eve and the rest of the human race. He is born lowest of the low to include and give opportunity to every human being. He lives. He ministers fulfilling all Scripture and He goes to the cruelest of deaths and pays completely for the sins of each and every human being. He is raised from the dead, defeating death and seen by hundreds. Just like when Moses lifted the snake when the Israelites were bitten and they would be saved if they would but look and believe. God offered and still offers new life, life eternal, and reconciliation with Him. He adopts into His family all those who come to the Savior, confess with their mouth and believe in their heart (Romans 10:10) that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. He is the One who sets men free, breaking the chain of death, Satan and the world to usher men into a new relationship with God Eternal. What joy, what wonder, what amazement and most of all what truth as it witnesses in each believing heart.

Where do you stand? Do you see yourself at the cross? Do you know Christ as Lord and Savior? Do you need to reconcile? I truly hope you will celebrate Christmas in a whole new light.”

“How is it possible to know, to see, to walk with the Creator
He provides every means; He shows each and every indictor
He took it all, He paid the price, He made the ultimate sacrifice
He came as a babe to give himself that we may have new life
What a difference, what a change to follow and do your will
What joy, what a blessing, Praise God, Oh my heart be still!”

“Paintings can lead one to a life changing experience. Merry Christmas and have a wonderful week!”

"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"

Douglas Auld

Copyright MMXI Auld, Ltd

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