Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 29th “Enjoying Every Day”

“Where Are You”

"Every athlete, every soldier, and a lot of people realize consistency and repetitions are necessary to performance and daily living to its fullest. Many don’t have that insight or enjoyment. Many are suffering in so many ways. Many have been burned, maligned, and mistreated to the point that hope is nothing but a distant flicker. This affects Christian and non Christian alike in the world in which we live.

Many Christians don’t know what it is to rest in the hands of God. Many don’t actively look for what He is doing in their lives. Many have walked away, taken another path, another direction, and aren’t even remotely in communication with Him. But, for those individuals who are, and for you I hope, they see His awesome movement and orchestration of events and circumstances for His purposes happening right before their very eyes. As they see these things and bear witness to the facts that are unfolding, those same eyes are filled with tears of praise and joy!

What an experience, what a joy, what a spring board from the pulling of the world there is when you not only know Him, but see how much He cares for you and your life through His direct actions. I pray you are seeing it and truly know what I am talking about.

It’s even better than when a painting brings you to tears!"

"Jesus when You come so close I cannot breathe
All You have and are doing how can I perceive
Every day events and circumstances that come to be
Life has no meaning without You allowing me to see
Stay close, let me remember when ever the world is near
Help me to guard my heart until you make it disappear!"

"Painters sometimes get blinded by the light that really isn’t there, until they work through it and see the real gold that does appear. Have a great week!!"

"Find my paintings or may my paintings find you!"

Douglas Auld
Copyright MMXII Auld, Ltd

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