Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mar.13th “Are We There Yet?”

Polluted Cites - Images
AP’s Photo and A Section from one of my Paintings done over 30 years ago - Side by Side

"I was stunned this past week as AP released an image of a polluted city. Over thirty years ago I painted a painting which has about 7 to 10 integrated images, one of which is a polluted city. You’ll see the comparison in the above image. It’s pretty amazing right?

We all were stunned by the images coming from Japan! We’ve never seen anything like this before; the horror, the devastation, radiation leaks, and the potential for nuclear meltdown at five nuclear plants all reacting to an earth quake and tsunami.

We’re reminded as the Bible tells us that in the days of Noah, people were eating, drinking, and marrying, up until Noah entered the ark then the flood came and destroyed them all. Sodom was the same until fire and sulfur rained down on them. It goes on to tell us about the signs of the end of the age in Matthew 24, where many will deceive you, wars and rumors of wars, nation against nation, famines and earthquakes “in various places”, sound familiar. This is the beginning.

Is this the beginning? Are you watching? Are you seeing? Have you got right with the Creator and the Controller of the universe? It’s not “Mother Nature” as some would have you believe, or the world would tell you! Have you asked forgiveness of those you’ve murdered with the tongue or thrown away? Have you looked at the damage you’ve done by following the world deceiving yourself as well as your children? You can you know. He’s waiting on you.

This past week, I was in contact with a woman who’s been through just an unbelievable ongoing experience. Her husband is a brilliant man who was ousted from his job by those who were threatened by his abilities. He launched a new burgeoning enterprise and as soon as it showed signs of success the investor replaced him with his son. He began another venture which has worldwide potential and meets a great need. He has fought, given and endeavored to make this happen to the point of losing everything. He and his wife have and are suffering physically and mentally. Week after week, month after month, investor threat after threat. Yet she has stayed with him, honored him and said that they have seen God’s hand on their lives, have each other, and trust Him for their future.

What a difference between that and what we see in the world where divorce and relationships are tossed for “feelings”, sibling and “family” involvement, and self interest. It’s where children are taught that one should run from their commitments, have abortions, divorce is OK and the world has the right answers. Don’t trust God, completely, make your own choices and testify that the truth you have or now believe in out weights your use to God and by God, giving Him honor, praise, and glory. After all you just want to get on with “your life”.

It’s never too late until it is. Other people’s opinions, your sisters or brothers, new relationships, the grass being greener next door, that new man or woman, won’t replace the truth and doing His will. He’ll only give you the opportunity for so long. He loves you and His Word is completely true. Come on home!"

“We’re told to guard our heart and stay on the path
Opening the wrong door will take us from what lasts
You loved and were loved; you know that very truth
Time to read the signs and stand as His servant Ruth
It may cost a lot and you maybe mocked along the way
The Creator knows your heart and what He had to pay
Come home, come home, come home today!”

“Paintings as well as pictures show us images that directly affect our hearts. Turn around, wake up to what’s going on, and return and honor Him. Have a great week and if you know Him Pray for those suffering around the world and your brothers and sisters In Christ.”

"Find my paintings, or may my paint-tings find you!"

Douglas Auld

Copyright MMX Auld, Ltd

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